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Resource: 2023 SHADAC Annual Report

Mar. 11, 2024: In the past year, with support from partners, funders, and collaborators, SHADAC has continued to provide states, organizations, policymakers, and more with unbiased research, technical assistance, and data & evaluation resources. Each year, we create an Annual Report to provide...Read More

Resource: State Medicaid Member Experience Qualitative Data Scan

Mar. 06, 2024: As part of the ongoing work in Phase 2 of the Medicaid Equity Monitoring Tool project, SHADAC researchers have been working to understand what available data sources and measures currently exist that could be useful in populating a potential Medicaid Equity Monitoring Tool. ...Read More

Blog: 2023 NHIS Early Release: Estimates from Quarter 3 (July to September) Hold Steady

Mar. 06, 2024: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has released quarterly estimates of health insurance coverage beginning in July 2022 through September 2023 from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) as part of the NHIS Early Release Program. Each quarter covers a three-month span, and this...Read More

Blog: Minnesota Community and Uninsured Profile Updated to Include 2022 American Community Survey Estimates

Mar. 01, 2024:       Five-year American Community Survey estimates have been released for 2022, which means that SHADAC researchers have updated our ‘Minnesota Community and Uninsured Profile’ to include this latest data.   This...Read More

Blog: 2020 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Updates in the 2022 American Community Survey

Feb. 28, 2024: A Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) is a type of geographic unit created for statistical purposes. PUMAs represent geographic areas with a population size of 100,000–200,000 within a state (PUMAs cannot cross state lines). PUMAs are the smallest level of geography available in American Community...Read More

Blog: Now Available on State Health Compare: New 2022 Estimates from the ACS and CPS

Feb. 19, 2024:   2022 estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) and Current Population Survey (CPS) are now available for eight measures on SHADAC’s State Health Compare.   Updated measures using new ACS data include: Coverage Type​ Health insurance coverage by type of coverage (...Read More

The Opioid Epidemic in the United States

Feb. 07, 2024: The Opioid Epidemic in the United States Over the past two decades, the United States has experienced a growing crisis of substance abuse and addiction that is illustrated most starkly by the rise in deaths from drug overdoses. Since 2000, the annual number of overdose deaths from any kind of...Read More

Blog: New Data on Health Insurance Coverage by Race/Ethnicity Added to State Health Compare

Feb. 05, 2024: State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) has added two new racial/ethnic population groups to our measures of health insurance coverage available on State Health Compare. Using micro-data from the American Community Survey (ACS), we were able to add health insurance coverage measures...Read More

Journal Article: Using Enrollment Records to Evaluate Self-Reports of Monthly Coverage in the Redesigned Current Population Survey Health Insurance Module

Jan. 31, 2024: This journal article was originally published on January 23, 2024, in Health Services Research. Introduction This article, authored by SHADAC Investigator Dr. Kathleen T. Call alongside colleagues from the U.S. Census Bureau Angela R. Fertig and Joanne Pascale, explores the...Read More

Report/Brief: Public Health Implications of Cannabis Policy in Minnesota

Jan. 30, 2024: This brief uses data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) to understand issues related to public health implications of Minnesota cannabis use prior to its 2023 legalization. Along with providing key background information and context on cannabis policy in the United States...Read More

Blog: SHADAC and CRC Brief Provides Pre-Legalization Data on Minnesota’s Cannabis Landscape

Jan. 30, 2024:   Even before legalization, cannabis use was rising in Minnesota    Cannabis policy in the United States has evolved during the past decade. After voters in Colorado and Washington approved ballot measures to legalize cannabis in 2012, other states began to follow suit. In...Read More

Report/Brief: SHADAC’s Primary Source of Coverage Hierarchy for American Community Survey (ACS) Estimates on State Health Compare

Jan. 29, 2024: This updated brief from SHADAC defines a “primary source of coverage hierarchy,” and how and when researchers can use this tool to determine which payer is primary when an individual reports multiple sources of health insurance coverage on the American Community Survey (ACS). Using a hierarchy...Read More

Report/Brief: Collection of Self-Reported Disability Data in Medicaid Applications: A Fifty-State Review of the Current Landscape (SHVS Brief)

Jan. 25, 2024: The following content is cross-posted from State Health & Value Strategies. It can also be found on the SHVS site here. Authors: Emily Zylla and Elizabeth Lukanen, SHADAC  Very little is known about people who self-identify as having a disability within the...Read More

Blog: Revised Childhood Vaccinations Measure on State Health Compare Shows Vaccination Rates Vary by State, Race/Ethnicity, and Insurance Coverage

Jan. 24, 2024: Introduction Childhood Vaccinations are an effective way to protect infants and young children from harmful diseases that can cause serious illness or death. Children are commonly vaccinated against a number of diseases, including chickenpox (Varicella), polio, hepatitis A and B, and measles,...Read More

Resource: ACS 5-year Estimates: State and County Uninsured

Jan. 19, 2024: Following the release of 2022 single-year estimates of health insurance coverage, household income, and poverty levels, the U.S. Census Bureau has now made available 5-year American Community Survey data files. These ACS 5 Year estimates are generated by pooling together five years of American...Read More

Resource: State Medicaid Member Experience Quantitative Data Scan

Jan. 18, 2024: As part of the ongoing work in Phase 2 of the Medicaid Equity Monitoring Tool project, SHADAC researchers have been working to understand what available data measures currently exist that could be useful in populating a potential Medicaid Equity Monitoring Tool. In Phase 1, the project team...Read More

Blog: State-Based Marketplace Transition Data During the Unwinding (Cross-Post)

Jan. 11, 2024:   The following content is cross-posted from State Health & Value Strategies. Authors: Elizabeth Lukanen, Emily Zylla, and Lindsey Theis, SHADAC This expert perspective (EP) will be updated by SHADAC experts as additional dashboards/reports go live. Please visit the State Health...Read More

Blog: State Dashboards to Monitor the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Requirement (Cross-Post)

Jan. 11, 2024: The following content is cross-posted from State Health & Value Strategies.  Authors: Elizabeth Lukanen, Emily Zylla, and Lindsey Theis, SHADAC This expert perspective (EP) will be updated by SHADAC experts as additional dashboards/reports go live. Please visit the State Health...Read More

Blog: Household Pulse Survey (HPS) Insurance Coverage Trend Analysis: How Does It Compare?

Jan. 10, 2024: Introduction The U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS) is an online survey that provides up-to-date monthly data on emergent issues and the social and economic wellbeing of U.S. adults. As one of the only sources of publicly available rapid response data, the HPS is a critical tool...Read More

Blog: SHADAC Comments on Proposed 2025 American Community Survey Health Insurance Coverage Instrument Changes

Jan. 03, 2024: The U.S. Census Bureau has released a request for comments regarding proposed revisions and changes for the 2025 American Community Survey. Based on information gained from the 2022 Content Test, proposed changes would affect a variety of topics and questions, including educational attainment,...Read More
