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2023 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Early Release: Estimates from Quarter 4 (October to December) Hold Steady

Liu Grace, Research Analyst
June 05, 2024

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has released quarterly estimates of health insurance coverage beginning in October 2022 through December 2023 from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) as a part of the NHIS Early Release Program. Each quarter covers a three-month span, and this blog specifically looks at survey data from the most recent quarter (Q4 – October to December 2023) and notes any differences compared to the same time period in 2022.

Between Q4 of 2022 and Q4 of 2023, rates of uninsurance, public coverage, and private coverage for adults (age 18-64) remained mostly unchanged. Across all age groups, there were slight decreases in the rates of uninsurance and private coverage, and a slight increase in the rate of public coverage, but none of these changes were statistically significant. 

Figure 1: Health Insurance Coverage Rates by Type (Adults Aged 18-64), Q4 2022 vs. Q4 2023*health insurance coverage rates graph showing national health interview survey data from q4 2022 vs q4 2023 with no statistically significant changes

*No changes were statistically significant at 95% confidence.

There were, however, statistically significant decreases in uninsurance rates for those with family incomes of 200-400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) across all ages and for every age group (under 65, 0-17, 18-64). The rate of public coverage saw a statistically significant decrease in Black, non-Hispanic adults and a statistically significant increase in Hispanic adults, and the rate of private coverage saw a statistically significant increase in adults with a family income of 200-400% of the FPL, Asian, non-Hispanic adults, and in the South. 
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