Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data
SHADAC has updated health data sets on our State Health Compare tool with the latest available health statistics and health data. In this blog, we detail the measures that were updated, providing you with a short description of each measure and its data source.
From pre-pandemic to during the pandemic, heavy alcohol use among Americans rose nearly 20%. This increase in drinking was sustained through 2022.
“Forgone care” describes when someone does not use or access health care despite a need for it.
Each year, SHADAC covers the data releases of multiple federal surveys from a variety of agencies, beginning with the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in June continuing through the release of American Community Survey (ACS) and Current Population Survey (CPS) data products in September… Read more
June of each year is known as “Pride Month” – a month to celebrate the diversity and ac
How many Americans are uninsured? The exact answer is unclear, but general estimates can be obtained by comparing various federal government surveys that estimate uninsurance.
For most Americans, having health insurance is an important first step to being able to access and afford health care when it is needed.
A change to the 2021 BRFSS’ “personal doctor” question has led to large changes in the share of respondents reporting having no personal doctor