SHADAC has recently updated our annual “Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count the Uninsured” brief following the release of new insurance coverage estimates from surveys conducted by the US Census Bureau, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Accurate estimates of the number of people that do not have insurance coverage (also referred to as uninsured or uninsurance) are important in understanding trends and the impacts of actions (policy changes), events (like public health emergencies), or shifts in the economic landscape (like periods of recession) that may affect health insurance coverage.
The brief provides an annual update to comparisons of uninsurance estimates from five federal surveys. As in prior years, we have included estimates from:
- The American Community Survey (ACS)
- The Current Population Survey (CPS)
- The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Household Component (MEPS-HC)
- The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)