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Blog: Minnesota's Growing and Evolving Opioid Crisis

Oct. 28, 2019: On Thursday, October 24, SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Colin Planalp presented a data-focused look at Minnesota’s opioid crisis during the University of Minnesota’s Medical Industry Leadership Institute “Combating Minnesota’s Opioid Epidemic” policy forum. Colin shared the stage with experts in a...Read More

Blog: 2018 ACS: Private Coverage Changes Split Evenly among States, Public Coverage Changes Experience Greater Variability than in 2017

Sep. 26, 2019: The U.S. Census Bureau released partial state files for the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) today, which included state-level information about health insurance coverage by coverage type. The State Story The overall national decrease in insurance coverage in 2018 (from 91.3% in...Read More

Blog: Uninsured Profiles: New Resource from SHADAC Aims to Identify and Characterize Communities of Minnesota’s Uninsured Population

Sep. 20, 2019: Over the past year, Dr. Kathleen Call and her research team at SHADAC have worked to build, refine, and now, publish, an interactive tool that allows users to better understand and define the uninsured population in Minnesota at the zip-code level. Partnering with the Blue Cross Blue Shield...Read More

Blog: A Deeper Dive on Employer-sponsored Health Insurance: Costs in Five States in Comparison with the United States (Infographics)

Sep. 19, 2019: High health care costs have increasingly been a concern across the United States. Though presidential candidates have recently put forth proposals for changing the role of private insurance within the health care system, recent polls suggest that American consumers would rather hear about plans to...Read More

Blog: 2018 ACS: National Uninsurance Increased alongside Eight States; Three States Saw Decreases (Infographic)

Sep. 10, 2019: New health insurance coverage estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) show that the rate of uninsured individuals in the United States increased by 0.1 percentage points in 2018, representing 535,000 more Americans without health insurance coverage as compared to...Read More

Blog: The Evolving Opioid Epidemic: Observing the Changes in the Opioid Crisis through State-level Data (Webinar)

Sep. 04, 2019: Date: September 4, 2019 Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Central / 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Eastern Background During the past two decades, the national opioid crisis has proved to be persistent and dynamic. After deaths from prescription opioid painkillers grew quietly for years, the U.S....Read More

Blog: Employer-Sponsored Insurance, 2014-2018: Premiums Reach New Heights while Deductibles Hold Steady (Infographics)

Aug. 14, 2019: More than 62 million private sector workers in the United States received health insurance benefits from their employer in 2018, and, according to SHADAC researchers, paid higher-than-ever premiums for their health plans last year. Using data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance...Read More

Report/Brief: State-level Trends in Employer-sponsored Health Insurance (ESI), 2014-2018

Aug. 14, 2019: RESOURCES State Profiles Two-page “at a glance” graphic profiles of employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) coverage trends between 2014 and 2018 for each state, including statistical comparisons of coverage changes from 2017 to 2018. Download a single file...Read More

Blog: Unaffordable Rents by Metropolitan Status: A New Breakdown on SHADAC’s State Health Compare

Jul. 18, 2019: Housing affordability continues to be a challenge in many states, especially those with rising housing costs and large low-income populations. It is important to understand how renters’ experiences with housing affordability vary across metropolitan statuses as well as how this relationship varies...Read More

Blog: Measuring Health Care Affordability with State Health Compare: Trouble Paying Medical Bills

Jun. 18, 2019: The cost of health care continues to grow nationwide, with U.S. health care spending reaching $3.5 trillion, or an average of $10,739 per person, in 2017.[1] As these expenditures have grown, the cost of health insurance has grown as well, such that Americans are increasingly enrolling in health...Read More

Blog: SHADAC Report: Uninsurance among Children Increased Nationwide in 2017, Ending Steady Decline

May. 01, 2019: The national uninsured rate among children increased from 4.7% (about 3.6 million children) in 2016 to 5.0% (about 3.9 million children) in 2017. This increase interrupted a trend of nationwide gains in children’s coverage from 2008 through 2016, during which the uninsured rate dropped by more...Read More

Report/Brief: Children's Health Insurance Coverage Nationwide and in the States, 2016-2017

Apr. 23, 2019: Chartbook This analysis uses data from the American Community Survey (ACS) to examine: 1) changes in health insurance coverage from 2016 to 2017 for children nationwide and at the state level, and 2) state variation in uninsured rates for children in 2017. We examine coverage...Read More

Blog: 2017 County Health Insurance Estimates Now Available

Apr. 10, 2019: The U.S. Census Bureau released the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for 2017, providing estimates of health insurance coverage for all counties and states.  The SAHIE program is the only source of single-year health insurance estimates for every county in the US....Read More

Blog: A State-level Measure of Drug Affordability on State Health Compare: Made Changes to Medical Drugs Because of Cost

Feb. 25, 2019: Americans spend more on prescription medications per capita than residents of any other nation due to higher U.S. drug prices. In 2016, prescription drugs accounted for an estimated 14.1 percent of total national health care costs, or $471 billion. [1],[2] The high prices of prescription drugs have...Read More

Blog: Adult Unhealthy Days: A New Measure on State Health Compare

Jan. 11, 2019: Adult Unhealthy Days is a new measure on SHADAC’s State Health Compare that provides state-level estimates of the average number of days in the past 30 days that an adult’s mental or physical health was not good. The measure is available as a combination of physically and mentally unhealthy days...Read More

Infographics: Housing Affordability Matters: Measuring and Addressing the Burden of Unaffordable Rents (Infographics)

Dec. 20, 2018: An analysis by SHADAC examines housing affordability, looking specifically at the percent of rental households that spend more than 30% of their monthly income on rent. This measure is now available on SHADAC’s State Health Compare for all states from 2012 through 2017, and can be broken...Read More

Blog: Health Insurance Coverage: Uninsurance by Metro Areas in 2017 (Interactive)

Nov. 16, 2018: An estimated 8.7% of the U.S. population remains without health insurance coverage, even in a post-Affordable Care Act (ACA) landscape. Data from the 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) show that many of the remaining uninsured are clustered in metropolitan areas—identified as metropolitan...Read More

Blog: Latino Children in California Face Inequitable Access to Care (Infographic)

Oct. 31, 2018: According to the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), Latino children in California face lower access to health care than their white counterparts across multiple access indicators.  Despite representing more than half of children living in the state, Latino children are less...Read More

Blog: Obesity Rate Increased Nationally for Second Year in a Row: New Data on State Health Compare

Oct. 18, 2018: ​The prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States increased to 30.1 percent in 2017, up from 29.6 percent in 2016, according to SHADAC’s analysis of new Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). * Change...Read More

Blog: Employer-Sponsored Insurance, 2013-2017: Premiums Grow Faster, Deductibles Continue to Increase - Chartbook and State Fact Sheets

Oct. 01, 2018: The nation’s attention has recently concentrated on health insurance coverage purchased through Affordable Care Act marketplaces, but it is important to remember that the majority of non-elderly Americans (51.6%) continue to get their health insurance coverage from an employer.[1] A new...Read More
