The national uninsured rate among children increased from 4.7% (about 3.6 million children) in 2016 to 5.0% (about 3.9 million children) in 2017. This increase interrupted a trend of nationwide gains in children’s coverage from 2008 through 2016, during which the uninsured rate dropped by more than half, from 9.7% to 4.7%. The 2017 nationwide increase spanned demographic groups (income, race/ethnicity, and parental education) and was driven by declines in Medicaid and individual coverage.
These findings come from a new SHADAC report analyzing the most recent national and state-level data on health insurance coverage among children from the American Community Survey.
Explore the Analysis: State Profiles and Chartbook
Dig deeper into this new analysis by exploring two-page “at a glance” state profiles for all states, including coverage changes from 2016 to 2017 and comparison between state and national uninsured rates for 2017. These profiles, along with a summary chartbook and detailed 50-state tables, are available at
Learn More: May 2nd Webinar on the Data and State-Level Policy Implications
Join us for online discussion of this new analysis and promising state-level policies that could help expand children’s coverage. This interactive discussion will be led by SHADAC Director Lynn Blewett, SHVS Director Heather Howard, and SHADAC Deputy Director Elizabeth Lukanen and will offer state-based policymakers a forum to learn from and share insight with each other.
Date: May 2, 2019
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Central / 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Eastern