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Presentation: Evaluating Linked Survey and Administrative Data for Policy Research

Jul. 31, 2008: Mike Davern's presentation titled, "Evaluating Linked Survey and Administrative Data for Policy Research," at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, July 31, 2007 in Salt Lake City, UT. | View | Upload your own Read More

NHIS State-Level Estimates Released

Jul. 07, 2008: June 30, 2008.  The National Center for Health Statisics has released a new report with state-level estimates of insurance coverage for the NHIS, 2004-2006. Estimates are available for 41 states. The report is available for download from the CDC.Read More

Davern wins Thompson Award

Jul. 07, 2008: June 13, 2008.  SHADAC’s Mike Davern has been awarded the 2008 AUPHA John D. Thompson Prize for Young Investigators. This award recognizes young investigators based on their contributions to the research literature in the field of health services.Read More

Cover the Uninsured Report Released

Jul. 07, 2008: April 29, 2008.  The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has released a report, "Squeezed: How Costs for Insuring Families are Outpacing Income," showing that a growing share of workers’ earnings is being absorbed by the increasing cost of health insurance. SHADAC researchers conducted this analysis.Read More

Presentation: The Growing Challenges to State Telephone Surveys of Health Insurance Coverage: Minnesota as a Case Study

Jun. 07, 2008: Presentation by Kathleen Call titled, "The Growing Challenges to State Telephone Surveys of Health Insurance Coverage: Minnesota as a Case Study," at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June7, 2008 in Washington DC. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: State Health Access Reform Evaluation: Building the Evidence for Reform

Jun. 04, 2008: Presentation by Lynn Blewett titled, "State Health Access Reform Evaluation: Building the Evidence for Reform," at the State Health Research & Policy Interest Group Meeting, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 7, 2008 in Washington DC. | View | Upload your own Read More

Analysis of Medicaid "Undercount" Released

Jun. 04, 2008: April 15, 2008. The U.S. Census Bureau has released reports for Phases 1 and 2 of the analysis of survey underestimation of Medicaid enrollment. SHADAC researcher Mike Davern lead this project. The Census Bureau has published a Web page dedicated to these reports and will be updated as the...Read More

Journal Article: The Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence

Jun. 01, 2008: Call, K.T., G. Davidson, M. Davern, L. Blewett, and R. Nyman. "The Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence." Health Services Research 43(3): 901-14. Read More

Presentation: Monitoring State-level Uninsurance, 1996-2006

May. 16, 2008: Presentation by Jeanette Ziegenfuss titled "Monitoring State-level Uninsurance, 1996-2006" at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, May 16, 2008 in New Orleans LA. | View | Upload your own Read More

Single Payer Systems: Equity in Access to Care

May. 10, 2008: Presentation by Lynn Blewett titled, "Single Payer Systems: Equity in Access to Care," at the True Workings of Single Payer Systems: Lessons or Warnings for U.S. Reform conference sponsored by the Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law, May 10, 2008 in Minneapolis MN. | View | Upload...Read More

Journal Article: Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison between Self-Reported Coverage and Administrative Data Records

May. 01, 2008: Davern, M., K.T. Call, J. Ziegenfuss, G. Davidson, T. Beebe, and L.A. Blewett. "Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison between Self-Reported Coverage and Administrative Data Records." Public Opinion Quarterly 72(2): 241-259. Read More

Presentation: American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) in National Survey Data

Apr. 25, 2008: Presentation by Pamela Jo Johnson titled, "American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) in National Survey Data" to the data workshop at the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council’s Keeping Native Women & Families Healthy & Strong Conference, April 25, 2008 in Milwaukee WI. | View |...Read More

Presentation: Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA)

Apr. 09, 2008: Presentation by Lynn Blewett titled, "Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA)," to the New York State Health Foundation for the Rockefeller Institute of Government, April 9, 2008 in Albany, NY. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: The Impact of the American Community Survey on Small Area Estimation

Mar. 17, 2008: Presentation by Mike Davern titled, "The Impact of the American Community Survey on Small Area Estimation" to the 25th Annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Conference, March 17, 2008 in Orlando FL. | View | Upload your own Read More

Report/Brief: Are Lower Response Rates Hazardous to Your Health Survey?

Feb. 28, 2008: SHADAC's Issue Brief #13 examines response completion efforts in three state surveys of health insurance coverage to assess whether refusal conversion and making many calls to the same number alter health survey estimates. February 2008. Read More

Presentation: 2007 Minnesota Health Access Survey: Preliminary Results

Feb. 01, 2008: Presentation by Julie Sonier (Minnesota Department of Health) and Kathleen Call titled, "2007 Minnesota Health Access Survey: Preliminary Results," to the Minnesota Health Care Access Commission, February 1, 2008 in St. Paul, MN. This presentation reports on the results of the 2007 Minnesota Health...Read More

Journal Article: Accuracy in Self-Reported Health Insurance Coverage among Medicaid Enrollees

Jan. 01, 2008: Call, K. T., Davidson, G., Davern, M., Brown, E. R., Kincheloe, J., & Nelson, J. G. (2008). "Accuracy in Self-Reported Health Insurance Coverage Among Medicaid Enrollees." Inquiry, 45(4), 438-456. Read More

Journal Article: Inpatient Hospital Utilization among the Uninsured Near Elderly: Data and Policy Implications for West Virginia

Dec. 01, 2007: Spencer, D.L., S. Richardson, and M. McCormick. "Inpatient Hospital Utilization among the Uninsured Near Elderly: Data and Policy Implications for West Virginia." Health Services Research 42(6, part II): 2442-2457. Read More

Report/Brief: Estimating Private Health Expenditures in Idaho

Dec. 01, 2007: This report is one out of a series of five reports prepared for the Idaho Office of Performance Evaluations (OPE), the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee, and the Idaho Health Care Task Force as part of the project, "Idaho’s Health Care Costs and Options to Improve Health Care Access." This...Read More

Report/Brief: State Health Insurance Coverage Estimates: A Fresh Look at Why State Survey Estimates Differ from CPS

Nov. 09, 2007: SHADAC's Issue Brief #12 compares state survey and CPS estimates of uninsurance, analyze factors with the greatest potential to explain these differences, and discuss the policy implications of this persistent discrepancy. November 2007. Read More
