Search Results

Medicaid Under-reporting in the CPS and One Approach for a Partial Correction

Oct. 07, 2008: Survey estimates of public health insurance program enrollment tend to be lower than those compiled from administrative enrollment data for those same programs, a discordance which is particularly apparent for Medicaid. The crude Medicaid undercount in the Current Population Survey’s Annual Social...Read More

Summary of SHADAC’s Conference Call to Discuss the Revised CPS 2005 Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: This document provides a description of the date processing error in the Current Population Survey that less to a misreporting of insurance coverage and the adjustment solution. In a small percentage of cases, some residents in a household were tabulated as "not covered" by insurance when they had...Read More

Historical Changes in CPS Health Insurance Coverage Items 1989 - 2005 Survey Years

Oct. 07, 2008: This document briefly summarizes the changes to the health insurance questions and fields on the CPS surveys and files for survey years 1989 - 2005, and includes a table that contains the fields that can be used to determine if a person had any health insurance coverage. March 2006.Read More

Summary of SHADAC Conference Call to Discuss the 2006 CPS Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: Highlights from SHADAC's August 29, 2007, conference call discussing the health insurance coverage estimates from the 2006 Current Population Survey data release. September 2007.Read More

Summary of SHADAC Conference Call to Discuss the 2007 CPS Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: Highlights from SHADAC's August 27, 2008, conference call discussing the health insurance coverage estimates from the 2007 Current Population Survey data release. September 2008.Read More

Summary of SHADAC Conference Call to Discuss the 2005 CPS Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: Highlights from SHADAC's August 30, 2006, conference call discussing the health insurance coverage estimates from the 2005 Current Population Survey data release. September 2006.Read More

Summary of SHADAC Conference Call to Discuss the 2004 CPS Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: Highlights from SHADAC's August 31, 2005, conference call discussing the health insurance coverage estimates from the 2004 Current Population Survey data release. September 2005.Read More

Summary of SHADAC Conference Call to Discuss the 2003 CPS Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: Highlights from SHADAC's August 27, 2004, conference call discussing the health insurance coverage estimates from the 2003 Current Population Survey data release. September 2004.Read More

Summary of SHADAC Conference Call to Discuss the 2002 CPS Health Insurance Estimates

Oct. 07, 2008: Highlights from SHADAC's October 1, 2003, conference call discussing the health insurance coverage estimates from the 2002 Current Population Survey data release. October 2003.Read More

State Adjustment Ratio for the 1998 CPS

Oct. 07, 2008: In the March 2000 Supplement to the CPS, a new verification item was added to the health insurance module. The verification item asked those people who responded that they did not have any of the specific types of health insurance whether they were uninsured. To accurately gauge health insurance...Read More

Report/Brief: Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy

Oct. 07, 2008: This report presents the achievements of SHADAC in its first six years, with descriptions of our expertise and accomplishments in bridging the gap between research and policy. August 2007.Read More

Health Insurance Coverage for Hispanic/Latino Children: 1996 to 2005

Oct. 07, 2008: This SHADAC student paper seeks to identify how health insurance coverage trends (public, private and uninsured) changed for Hispanic/Latino children from 1996 to 2005. It finds that Hispanic/Latino children saw significant reductions in the percent of uninsured children from 28.2 percent to 22.0...Read More

Concern Over the 2001 CPS Estimate of the Number of Children within Each State

Oct. 07, 2008: In late September 2001, the Census Bureau released the 2001 March Demographic Supplement of Current Population Survey (CPS) data to the public. The September 2001 CPS estimates included an error that affected the total number of children within each state. SHADAC has calculated the percent change...Read More

Report/Brief: The State of Kids' Coverage

Oct. 07, 2008: This report was released for the 2006 Covering Kids & Families Back-to-School Campaign, a national effort to enroll eligible children in public coverage programs during the back-to-school season.  This initiative is sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  The research in this report...Read More

Going without: America's Uninsured Children

Oct. 07, 2008: This report was released for the 2005 Covering Kids & Families Back-to-School Campaign, a national effort to enroll eligible children in public coverage programs during the back-to-school season. This initiative is sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The report presents data on...Read More

Journal Article: The Impact of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage on Immunization Status for Young Children

Oct. 01, 2008: Blewett, L.A., G. Davidson, M. Bramlett, H. Rodin, M. Messionnier. "The Impact of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage on Immunization Status for Young Children." Health Service Research 43(5): 1619-1636. Read More

Report/Brief: Individual High Risk Pools: A Case Study of the MN Comprehensive Health Assn

Sep. 30, 2008: A report funded by the New York State Health Foundation as part of a scan of the various strategies states are using to try to address the growing problem of small-group coverage; this report provides in-depth case studies on the strategies being used by Minnesota. September 2008.Read More

Sheltering Employee Premium Contributions from Tax Using “Section 125 Plans” (2008)

Sep. 10, 2008: Principal Investigator: Mark Hall, JD, Wake Forest University This study will evaluate three different states’ approaches to using section 125 plans to reduce the costs of health insurance (Indiana, Massachusetts, and Missouri). Specifically, the study will examine section 125 plans in the...Read More

Journal Article: When a Usual Source of Care and Usual Provider Matter: Adult Prevention and Screening Services

Sep. 01, 2008: Blewett, L.A., P.J. Johnson, B. Lee, and P.Scal. "When a Usual Source of Care and Usual Provider Matter: Adult Prevention and Screening Services." Journal of General Internal Medicine 23(9):1354-1360. Read More

Presentation: A Comparison of the Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from Four National Surveys

Aug. 10, 2008: Presentation by Mike Davern titled, "A Comparison of the Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from Four National Surveys," at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, August 5, 2008 in Denver CO. | View | Upload your own Read More
