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Linking Administrative and Survey Data for Health Policy Research in the US: The case of the 'Medicaid Undercount'

Oct. 18, 2007: Presentation by Mike Davern titled, Linking Administrative and Survey Data for Health Policy Research in the US: The case of the Medicaid Undercount," at the conference on Exploiting Existing Data for Health Research on September 18, 2007 in St. Andrews, Scotland. | View | Upload your own...Read More

Journal Article: Are the Current Population Survey Uninsurance Estimates Too High? An Examination of Imputation

Oct. 01, 2007: Davern, M., H. Rodin, K.T. Call, and L.A. Blewett. "Are the Current Population Survey Uninsurance Estimates Too High? An Examination of Imputation." Health Services Research 42(5): 2038-2055. Read More

Presentation: State Health Access Reform Evaluation

Sep. 26, 2007: Presentation by Lynn Blewett titled, "State Health Access Reform Evaluation" at the AcademyHealth State Coverage Initiatives (SCI) State Coverage Institute, September 26, 2007 in Chicago IL. | View | Upload your own Read More

Report/Brief: Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count Uninsured People in America, Aug 2007

Aug. 30, 2007: This brief compares estimates of health insurance coverage from three national surveys sponsored by the federal government, identifies the differences in their estimates of uninsurance, and identifies two common themes: (1) all the surveys report very large numbers of Americans living without...Read More

Presentation: How Surveys Differ in the Quality of Reported Medicaid Enrollment: State Surveys and the CPS

Jul. 31, 2007: Kathleen Call's presentation titled, "How Surveys Differ in the Quality of Reported Medicaid Enrollment: State Surveys and the CPS," to the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, July 31, 2007 in Salt Lake City, UT. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: Four Decades of Population Health Data: The Integrated Health Interview Series

Jun. 25, 2007: Presentation by Mike Davern titled "Four Decades of Population Health Data: The Integrated Health Interview Series," presented at the National Health Interview Survey's 50th Anniversary Commemorative Conference, June 25 2007 in Washington DC. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: Accuracy in Self-Reported Health Insurance Coverage and Bias to Survey Estimates of Uninsurance

Jun. 04, 2007: Presentation by Kathleen Call titled, "Accuracy in Self-Reported Health Insurance Coverage and Bias to Survey Estimates of Uninsurance" at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 4, 2007 in Orlando FL. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: Sample Frame Assessment for a Large Metropolitan County’s Health Survey

May. 18, 2007: Presentation by Mike Davern titled, "Sample Frame Assessment for a Large Metropolitan County’s Health Survey" at the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Annual Meeting, May 18, 2007 in Anaheim CA. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: Fitting Square Pegs Into Round Holes: Linking Medicaid and Current Population Survey Data to Understand the 'Medicaid Undercount

Feb. 15, 2007: Presentation by Mike Davern titled, "Fitting Square Pegs Into Round Holes: Linking Medicaid and Current Population Survey Data to Understand the Medicaid Undercount" to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, February 15, 2007 in Baltimore MD. | View | Upload your own Read More

Presentation: Revisiting the SCHIP Funding Formula

Feb. 13, 2007: Presentation by Lynn Blewett titled, "Revisiting the SCHIP Funding Formula" at the AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference, February 13, 2007 in Washington DC. | View | Upload your own Read More

Journal Article: Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage: Comparing State Surveys to the Current Population Survey

Feb. 01, 2007: Call, K.T., M. Davern, L.A. Blewett. "Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage: Comparing State Surveys to the Current Population Survey." Health Affairs 26(1):269-78. Read More

Presentation: State Health Reform

Jan. 11, 2007: Lynn Blewett's presentation titled, "State Health Reform," to the Minnesota Legislative Commission on Health Care Access, July 11, 2007 in St. Paul, MN. | View | Upload your own Read More

Universal Coverage: The Role of Government in Health Care Reform

Dec. 28, 2006: A report on the findings of the Midwest States Health Reform Summit, which was hosted by the National Institute of Health Policy and SHADAC and held in November of 2006. December 2006. Read More

Journal Article: How Much Health Insurance is Enough? Revisiting the Concept of Underinsurance

Dec. 01, 2006: Blewett, L.A., A. Ward, and T.J. Beebe. "How Much Health Insurance is Enough? Revisiting the Concept of Underinsurance." Medical Care Research and Review 63(6): 663-700. Read More

CPS ASEC Supplement Survey Years 2001-2005, Sample Sizes by State

Oct. 09, 2006: This document contains the CPS ASEC supplement for survey years 2001-2005, with sample sizes by state. January 2006.Read More

Journal Article: Unstable Inferences? An Examination of Complex Survey Sample Design Adjustments Using the Current Population Survey for Health Services Research

Oct. 01, 2006: Davern, M., A. Jones Jr., J. Lepkowski, G. Davidson, and L.A. Blewett. "Unstable Inferences? An Examination of Complex Survey Sample Design Adjustments Using the Current Population Survey for Health Services Research." Inquiry 43(3): 283:297. Read More

Report/Brief: Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count Uninsured People in America, Aug 2006

Aug. 10, 2006: This brief compares estimates from four national surveys conducted by the federal government used to estimate the size of the uninsured population, identifies the differences between them, and points out two common threads – all the surveys report very large numbers of Americans living without...Read More

Journal Article: Can We Trust Population Surveys to Count Medicaid Enrollees and the Uninsured?

Aug. 01, 2006: Kincheloe, J., E.R. Brown, J. Frates, K.T. Call, W. Yen, and J. Watkins. 2006. "Can We Trust Population Surveys to Count Medicaid Enrollees and the Uninsured?" Health Affairs 25(4): 1163-1167. Read More

Journal Article: Meeting the Need for State Level Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage: What Has Been Done and How it Can Be Improved

Jun. 01, 2006: Blewett, L.A. and M. Davern. "Meeting the Need for State Level Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage: What Has Been Done and How it Can Be Improved." Health Services Research 41(3): 946-75. Read More

Journal Article: Barriers to Care Among American Indians in Public Health Care Programs

Jun. 01, 2006: Call, K.T., D. McAlpine, P.J. Johnson, T.J. Beebe, J.A. McRae, and Y. Song. "Barriers to Care Among American Indians in Public Health Care Programs." Medical Care 44(6): 595- 600. Read More
