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MN Health Access Survey - Fact sheet

Feb. 28, 2006: This fact sheet provides a summary of final estimates of health insurance coverage gathered from the 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys. February 2006.Read More

Journal Article: The Effect of Income Question Design in Health Surveys on Family Income, Poverty and Eligibility Estimates

Oct. 01, 2005: Davern, M., H. Rodin, T.J. Beebe, and K.T. Call. "The Effect of Income Question Design in Health Surveys on Family Income, Poverty and Eligibility Estimates." Health Services Research 40(5):1534-1552. Read More

Report/Brief: Using a Premium Assistance Program to Improve Access

Sep. 27, 2005: SHADAC's State Data Series brief discusses the advantages and challenges of premium assistance programs, highlighting experiences of other states and describing Oklahoma’s premium assistance plan for low-income workers and their spouses. September 2005.Read More

Review of Experimental Estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) Program

Jul. 10, 2005: This report contains SHADAC's review of the U.S. Census Bureau's Small Area Health Insurance Estimate’s (SAHIE) experimental estimates of health insurance coverage, and the Census Bureau's response to this review. July 2005. Download a PDF of the report. Read More

Summary: Long Term Financing Options and Retirement Income Security of Minnesota's Elderly.

Jul. 09, 2005: The issue brief examines whether selected financing options can be used to reduce the number of Minnesotans who will not have sufficient resources for general retirement expenses and long-term care. July 2005. Read More

Report/Brief: Summary: Retirement Security for Minnesota’s Elderly Population

Jul. 09, 2005: This issue brief focuses on whether Minnesotans will have enough money for their retirement and long-term care needs and estimates how many Minnesotans are at risk of having insufficient resources during their retirement years. March 2005.Read More

Report/Brief: Long Term Financing Options and Retirement Income Security of Minnesota's Elderly

Jul. 09, 2005: This brief considers the potential impact of long-term care financing options on decreasing the risk of needing support through the state Medicaid program in Minnesota. July 2005.Read More

Journal Article: Employment and Health Insurance Coverage for Rural Latino Populations

Jun. 01, 2005: Blewett, L.A., M. Davern, and H. Rodin. "Employment and Health Insurance Coverage for Rural Latino Populations." Journal of Community Health. Vol. 30 (1):181-195. Read More

Report/Brief: Estimates of Oklahoma County-Level Health Insurance Coverage Rates

May. 27, 2005: SHADAC's State Data Series brief profiling county-level estimates of insurance coverage based on the 2004 Oklahoma Health Care Insurance and Access Survey. May 2005.Read More

Estimates of Alabama County Level Health Insurance Coverage Rates: Results from Alabama's 2002 Household Survey.

May. 15, 2005: SHADAC's State Data Series brief profiling the uninsured in Alabama, based on results from the 2003 Alabama Health Care Insurance and Access Survey. May 2005. Read More

Report/Brief: Reclassifying Health Insurance Coverage for the Indian Health Service in the CPS

Apr. 09, 2005: SHADAC's Issue Brief #11 examines the impact of the change in classification of IHS coverage in the CPS on rates of uninsurance at the national level and in states with large American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations to draw attention to the relative change in uninsurance rates. April...Read More

Journal Article: Increasing Response Rates in a Survey of Medicaid Enrollees: The Effect of a Prepaid Monetary Incentive and Mixed Modes (Mail and Telephone)

Apr. 01, 2005: Beebe, T.J., M. Davern, D. McAlpine, and K.T. Call, and T. Rockwood. "Increasing Response Rates in a Survey of Medicaid Enrollees: The Effect of a Prepaid Monetary Incentive and Mixed Modes (Mail and Telephone)." Medical Care 43(4): 411-414. Read More

Report/Brief: Retirement Security and Minnesota’s Elderly Population

Mar. 30, 2005: This brief addresses concerns in Minnesota over "retirement security" that have become a significant state policy issue as spending on the elderly and disabled for acute and long-term care services have continued to grow. March 2005.Read More

Report/Brief: Health Insurance Coverage in Minnesota from 2001 to 2004

Mar. 30, 2005: This research brief released by the Division of Health Services Research and Policy (now Health Policy and Management) at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health summarizes the results of the most recent survey and presents key comparisons between the 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health...Read More

Report/Brief: Second Hand Smoke in Minnesota, 1999-2003

Mar. 09, 2005: This report describes Minnesotans’ exposure to and attitudes about secondhand smoke for the general population of adult Minnesotans, and provides an update to the findings from the 1999 Adult Tobacco Prevalence Survey that were presented in the November 2000 report, Secondhand Smoke: Knowledge,...Read More

Journal Article: Covering Kids: Variation in Health Insurance Coverage Trends by State, 1996-2002

Dec. 01, 2004: Blewett, L.A., M. Davern, and H. Rodin. "Covering Kids: Variation in Health Insurance Coverage Trends by State, 1996-2002." Health Affairs 13(6): 170-180. Read More

Journal Article: Providing Health Care to Latino Immigrants: Community-Based Efforts in the Rural Midwest

Oct. 01, 2004: Casey, M., L.A. Blewett, and K.T. Call. "Providing Health Care to Latino Immigrants: Community-Based Efforts in the Rural Midwest." American Journal of Public Health 94 (10):1709-11. Read More

Journal Article: Telephone Service Interruption Weighting for State Health Insurance Surveys

Oct. 01, 2004: Davern, M., J. Lepkowski, K.T. Call, N. Arnold, T.L. Johnson, K. Goldsteen, A.T. Malmlov, and L.A. Blewett. "Telephone Service Interruption Weighting for State Health Insurance Surveys." Inquiry 41(3): 280-290. Read More

Journal Article: Missing the Mark? Examining Imputation Bias in the Current Population Survey’s State Income and Health Insurance Coverage Estimates

Sep. 01, 2004: Davern, M. and L.A. Blewett, B. Bershadsky, and N. Arnold. "Missing the Mark? Examining Imputation Bias in the Current Population Survey’s State Income and Health Insurance Coverage Estimates." Journal of Official Statistics 20(3):519-49. Read More

Journal Article: Improving Access to Primary Care for a Growing Latino Population: The Role of Safety Net Providers in the Rural Midwest

Aug. 01, 2004: Blewett, L.A, M. Casey, and K.T. Call. "Improving Access to Primary Care for a Growing Latino Population: The Role of Safety Net Providers in the Rural Midwest." Journal of Rural Health 20 (3): 237-245. Read More
