Safety Net
Congress has still not fully reauthorized the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and states are working to figure out how to keep their kids covered.
From the Desk of Lynn Blewett
A new SHADAC brief examines the implications of an Affordable Care Act repeal for Minnesota.
Seven research teams are presenting their SHARE-funded work at the 2016 American Society of Health Economics Conference (ASHEcon), which takes place this year at the
This brief from the SHARE grant program examines a rich source of US hospital administrative data--the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project<
The SHADAC newsletter contains updates on SHADAC activities, news from the states, resource updates, and blog highlights.
News from the SHARE grant program and our grantees.
Fried, B., Kemmick Pintor, J., Graven, P., & Blewett, L.A.