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SHARE Research at ASHEcon 2016

June 13, 2016

Seven research teams are presenting their SHARE-funded work at  the 2016 American Society of Health Economics Conference (ASHEcon), which takes place this year at the Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania from June 12th through the 15th. We encourage you to check out these presentations if you’re attending the conference.

Podium presentations of SHARE-funded research at ASHEcon 2016 are as follows:

Early Evidence on Employment Responses to the Affordable Care Act

Speaker: Jean Abraham (University of Minnesota)
Discussant: Laura Dague (Texas A&M)
Date/Time: Monday (6/13), 10:55 a.m.
Location: G50 (Huntsman Hall)
As the insurance market changes with the implementation of the ACA, this research examines how the existence of employer-based health insurance coverage impacts employees’ access to such insurance as well as labor market outcomes, such as part-time work. Researchers investigate how labor market outcomes are changing over time as the ACA is implemented.

Television Advertising, News and the Uninsured: Market Level Evidence from the First Open Enrollment Period of Health Insurance Marketplaces

Speaker: Pinar Karaca-Mandic (University of Minnesota)
Discussant: Anthony LoSasso (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Date/Time: Monday (6/13), 5:25 p.m.
Location: B26 (Stiteler Hall)
This research documents the relationship between television media campaigns and health insurance enrollment, as federal and state governments, as well as nonprofit organizations, spent over $3 billion on media advertising to promote newly available insurance through ACA marketplaces in the first open enrollment period.

Choice Dynamics of “Money Wasting” Plan Choices in ACA State Marketplaces

Speaker: Anna Sinaiko (Harvard University)
Discussant: Chapin White (RAND)
Date/Time: Wednesday (6/15), 8:50 a.m.
Location: G60 (Huntsman Hall)
This research examines the decisions made by people, particularly members of vulnerable populations, in choosing health insurance plans that potentially result in wasted money. The researchers surveyed enrollees in the ACA marketplace in 2015 to determine whether enrollees were enrolled in the most cost effective plan.

The Effects of Early Medicaid Expansion in California on Inpatient Utilization of Safety Net Hospitals

Speaker: Lindsay M. Sabik (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Discussant: Ari B. Friedman (University of Pennsylvania)
Date/Time: Wednesday (6/15), 9:10 a.m.
Location: G50 (Huntsman Hall)
This study examines the impact of early Medicaid expansion in California on admissions of patients at safety net hospitals, defined as hospitals that serve a disproportionately high number of uninsured and Medicaid patients. By comparing California hospital admissions from 2010-2013 to other states that did not experience significant changes to their Medicaid coverage during this time period, the researchers find that both safety net and non-safety net hospitals in California experienced an increase in Medicaid patient admissions and decreases in uninsured admissions.

Pent-up Health Care Demand Among New Medicaid Enrollees after the Affordable Care Act

Speaker: Angela Fertig (Medica Research Institute)
Discussant: James Marton (Georgia State University)
Date/Time: Wednesday (6/15), 12:40 p.m.
Location: F55 (Huntsman Hall)
This study examines claims data for evidence of pent-up demand for health care, meaning that newly insured individuals access care at higher rates due to delaying or foregoing care while uninsured or underinsured, for new Medicaid enrollees in Minnesota.

Poster presentations of SHARE-funded research at ASHEcon 2016 are as follows:

Specialty Drug Benefit Design and Patient Out-of-Pocket Costs in the ACA Health Insurance Exchanges

Speaker: Erin A.Taylor (RAND)
Date/Time: Tuesday (6/14), 12:00 p.m.
Location: Annenberg Center, Lobby
Insurers often require more cost sharing from patients for high-cost specialty drugs, meaning that patients end up paying more money out-of-pocket for these drugs than they would for other drugs. This research simulates potential out-of-pocket costs in health exchange plans for patients taking three specialty drugs.

The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on Insurance Status and Type of Coverage for Non-Disabled Childless Adults in Poverty

Speaker: Michael Dworsky
Date/Time: Tuesday (6/14), 12:00 p.m.
Location: Annenberg Center, Lobby
Overview: This research examines the impact of the ACA’s Medicaid expansion on insurance status and type of coverage for adults who became newly eligible for Medicaid in 2014. The researchers use 2009 – 2014 data from the National Health Interview Survey to estimate the effect of Medicaid expansion on insurance status, and compare states that chose to expand Medicaid coverage to states that chose not to do so. They find that expanding Medicaid to non-disabled childless adults in poverty reduced uninsurance rates without impacting the number of enrollees on private market plans.