Health Outcomes
Update 4: March 3 to March 15
Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has picked up after an unsteady rollout earlier in the… Read more
Update 3: Feb 17 to Mar 1
Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has been somewhat unsteady, with a sizeable share of ups… Read more
Updated on February 26, 2021
Introduction and Purpose
One of the ways that states are responding to the novel coronavirus epidemic is to gather timely information from residents on their personal experiences and opinions regarding the pandemic. Such real-time information helps states effectively… Read more
Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has been somewhat erratic—with reports of slow early going before picking up… Read more
Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. However, the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines thus far—largely delegated to the states—has been slow and inconsistent. The initial groups… Read more
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2021Time: 1:00 PM Central Time / 2:00 PM Eastern TimeAcross the country, states have begun the first stages of their campaigns to vaccinate people against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). However, early troubles have highlighted the challenges to such a massive… Read more
A new State Health Compare measure examines the prevalence and degree of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) among different demographic groups, with estimates available across the states and over time. The ACEs estimates in State Health Compare are generated through… Read more
While new SHADAC research found small but statistically significant declines in opioid and drug overdose death rates during 2018, newer data indicate those reductions may have been short-lived. Overall, in 2018, drug overdose death rates declined 4.6 percent as compared to the prior year, but our… Read more
For nearly two decades, the United States has experienced a growing and evolving crisis of substance abuse and addiction; a crisis illustrated by statistically significant increases in overdose deaths directly from, or related to, opioids. These increases have occurred throughout the country, as… Read more
Colin Planalp, MPA, Giovann Alarcon, MPP, Lynn A. Blewett, PhD,
The coronavirus pandemic and ensuing economic crisis have introduced a new and unique set of conditions that trigger stress in the United States population. Many individuals are… Read more