Health Outcomes
Size of alcohol, drug overdose death increases in first pandemic year were unparalleled
With the recent release of 2020 mortality data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we now know that fears that the pandemic could result in increased drug and alcohol deaths were well… Read more
Although health disparities in the United States have been common knowledge among public health professionals for years, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted this problem with vivid urgency. The disproportionate impact of the pandemic on certain segments of the population—such as higher infection and… Read more
New brief shows results from SHADAC COVID-19 Survey on population experiences with COVID sickness and death
Researchers at SHADAC have fielded an updated version of the SHADAC COVID-19 Survey in April 2021, aimed at understanding respondents’ experiences with illness and death due to COVID-19 for… Read more
Date: Tuesday, September 21st Time: 3:00 PM Central / 4:00 PM Eastern While much public attention has been given to the opioid epidemic, the United States has been quietly experiencing another growing public health crisis that surpasses opioid overdoses as a cause of substance… Read more
Update 6: June 9 to June 21
The COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. After several months of rolling out the various one and two-shot COVID-19 vaccines, which have included hiccups from the Johnson… Read more
Fentanyl- and methamphetamine-type drugs surged roughly 50 percent in 2020
Drug overdose deaths surged in the United States during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing nearly 30 percent in just 12 months. Provisional data recently published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and… Read more
As rates of COVID vaccination increase around the world and the nation, attention is beginning to turn toward addressing more of the non-physical impacts and effects of the virus, such as the mental health burdens borne by large segments of the population.1
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SHADAC Director Dr. Lynn Blewett and SHADAC Researchers Colin Planalp and Robert Hest used data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS) to study rates of anxiety and depression in the U.S. adult population for the months of… Read more
April 19, 2021In the midst of the opioid epidemic, the United States has been quietly experiencing another mounting public health crisis as deaths involving alcohol have grown to historic highs. After years of stability, the rate of alcohol-related deaths began to increase in 2007 and has increased… Read more
Update 5: March 17 to March 29
Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has picked up after an unsteady start earlier in the… Read more