SHADAC’s State Health Compare is an online data visualization tool that allows users to explore and download health data sets and statistics. These data are broken down into measures that range from ‘Insurance Coverage Type’ to ‘Suicide Deaths’; measures are divided into overall categories like “… Read more
AuthorsColin Planalp, MPA, Senior Research Fellow at SHADACTyler Winkelman, MD, MSc Co-Director, Health, Homelessness, and Criminal Justice Lab at Hennepin Healthcare Research InstituteFatal overdoses involving fentanyl grew nearly 300% among adolescentsFor roughly a quarter-century, U.S. drug… Read more
Alcohol has long been one of the few legal mind-altering substances in the United States. While legal, messaging around its use – and misuse – has often been mixed. Moderate levels of drinking, such as a glass of wine or beer with dinner, were… Read more
.How the CDC’s recent shift will impact calculations for birth and death ratesThe National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently changed the population estimates they use to calculate population-level rates in their National Vital Statistics System (… Read more
Even before 2020, alcohol-involved deaths reached a modern recordConsidering the well-deserved attention paid to the opioid crisis in recent years, few people might guess that rates of alcohol-involved deaths were as high as or higher than opioid overdose death rates in nearly half of states (… Read more