Search Results

Journal Article: Health Care Needs of the Growing Latino Population in Rural America: Focus Group Findings in One Midwestern State

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., S. Smaida, C. Fuentes, and E. Ulrich. 2003. “Health Care Needs of the Growing Latino Population in Rural America: Focus Group Findings in One Midwestern State.” Journal of Rural Health 19 (1): 33-41. Latinos represent nearly 13% of the U.S. population, surpassing African-Americans...Read More

Journal Article: Hospital Provision of Uncompensated Care and Public Program Enrollment

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., G. Davidson, M. Brown, and R. Maude-Griffin. 2003. “Hospital Provision of Uncompensated Care and Public Program Enrollment.” Medical Care Research and Review 60 (4): 509-527. Hospital provision of uncompensated care is partly a function of insurance coverage of state populations....Read More

Journal Article: The Role of the Private Sector in Monitoring Health Care Quality and Patient Safety

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., E. Peterson, M. D. Finch, and S. T. Parente. 2003. “The Role of the Private Sector in Monitoring Health Care Quality and Patient Safety.” Journal on Quality and Safety 29 (8): 425-433. BACKGROUND: As payers, purchasers, and providers, both the public and private sectors have a...Read More

Journal Article: Evaluating Behavioral Health Services in Minnesota's Medicaid Population Using the Experience of Care and Health Outcomes

Oct. 17, 2008: Beebe, T.J., P. A. Harrison, J. A. McRae, and S. E. Asche. 2003. “Evaluating Behavioral Health Services in Minnesota's Medicaid Population Using the Experience of Care and Health Outcomes (ECHO tm) Survey.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 14 (4): 608-621.Read More

Journal Article: Politics of Prevention: Expanding Prevention Benefits in the Medicare Program

Oct. 17, 2008: Bartlett Foote, S. and L. A. Blewett. 2003. “Politics of Prevention: Expanding Prevention Benefits in the Medicare Program.” Journal of Public Health Policy 24 (1): 26-40. It is critical that public health advocates understand the structure of the Medicare program and the impact of the political...Read More

Journal Article: Income Inequality, Race, and Child Well-Being: An Aggregate Analysis in the 50 United States

Oct. 17, 2008: McLeod, J. D., J. M. Nonnemaker, and K. T. Call. 2004. “Income Inequality, Race, and Child Well-being: An Aggregate Analysis in the 50 United States.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 45(3): 249-264. Interest in income inequality as a predictor of health has exploded since the mid-1990s....Read More

Journal Article: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization of Preventive Services and Barriers to Care among MN Health Care Program Enrollees

Oct. 17, 2008: McAlpine, D. and K. T. Call. 2004. “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization of Preventive Services and Barriers to Care among Minnesota Health Care Program Enrollees.” MetroDoctors 6(6): 11.Read More

Journal Article: Missing the Mark? Examining Imputation Bias in the CPS’s State Income and Health Insurance Coverage Estimates

Oct. 17, 2008: Davern, M., L. A. Blewett, B. Bershadsky, and N. Arnold. 2004. “Missing the Mark? Examining Imputation Bias in the Current Population Survey’s State Income and Health Insurance Coverage Estimates.” Journal of Official Statistics 20(3):519-49. The Demographic Supplement to the U.S. Current...Read More

Journal Article: Telephone Service Interruption Weighting for State Health Insurance Surveys

Oct. 17, 2008: Davern, M., J. Lepkowski, K. T. Call, N. Arnold, T. L. Johnson, K. Goldsteen, A. T. Malmlov and L. A. Blewett. 2004. “Telephone Service Interruption Weighting for State Health Insurance Surveys.” Inquiry 41(3): 280–290. Many states rely on telephone surveys to produce estimates of uninsurance....Read More

Journal Article: Providing Health Care to Latino Immigrants: Community-Based Efforts in the Rural Midwest

Oct. 17, 2008: Casey, M., L. A. Blewett, and K. T. Call. 2004. “Providing Health Care to Latino Immigrants: Community-Based Efforts in the Rural Midwest.” American Journal of Public Health 94(10): 1709-1711. We examined case studies of 3 rural Midwestern communities to assess local health care systems' response...Read More

Journal Article: National Health Data Warehouse: Issues to Consider

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., S. Parente, M. D. Finch, and E. Peterson. 2005. “National Health Data Warehouse: Issues to Consider." Journal of Healthcare Information Management 18(1): 52-58. A national data warehouse that links public and private data could be used to monitor trends in healthcare costs,...Read More

Journal Article: Covering Kids: Variation in Health Insurance Coverage Trends by State, 1996-2002

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., M. Davern, and H. Rodin. 2005. “Covering Kids: Variation in Health Insurance Coverage Trends by State, 1996-2002.” Health Affairs 13(6): 170-180. We estimated state-specific changes in health insurance coverage rates for children between 1996-1998 and 2001-2002. We found...Read More

Journal Article: Improving Access to Primary Care for a Growing Latino Population: The Role of Safety Net Providers in the Rural Midwest

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., M. Casey, and K. T. Call. 2005. “Improving Access to Primary Care for a Growing Latino Population: The Role of Safety Net Providers in the Rural Midwest.” Journal of Rural Health Special Issue 20 (3): 237-245. CONTEXT: Many rural Midwestern communities are experiencing rapid...Read More

Journal Article: Monitoring the Uninsured: A State Policy Perspective

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., M. B. Good, K. T. Call, and M. Davern. 2004. “Monitoring the Uninsured: A State Policy Perspective.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 29(1): 107-145. Because states have primary responsibility for the implementation of public health insurance programs, states need timely...Read More

Journal Article: State Efforts to Measure the Health Care Safety Net

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., and T. J. Beebe. 2004. “State Efforts to Measure the Health Care Safety Net.” Public Health Reports 119 (2): 125-135. This article describes the role states could play in a national effort to measure and monitor the public health safety net. The authors developed a data collection...Read More

Journal Article: Heightened Vulnerability and Increased Risk Taking Among Adolescent Chat Room Users: Results from a Statewide School Survey

Oct. 17, 2008: Beebe, T., S. Asche, P. A. Harrison, and K. A. Quinlan. 2004. “Heightened Vulnerability and Increased Risk Taking Among Adolescent Chat Room Users: Results from a Statewide School Survey.” Journal of Adolescent Health 35(2):116-123. PURPOSE: To profile adolescent Internet chat room users in terms...Read More

Journal Article: Health Care Coverage and Access to Care: The Status of Minnesota’s Veterans

Oct. 17, 2008: Jonk, Y. C., K. T. Call, A. H. Cutting, H. O’Connor, V. Bansiya, and K. Harrison. 2005. “Health Care Coverage and Access to Care: The Status of Minnesota’s Veterans.” Medical Care 43(8):769-774. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to examine veterans' reliance on health care...Read More

Journal Article: The Effectiveness of an Interactive Small Group Diabetes Intervention in Improving Knowledge, Feeling of Control, and Behavior

Oct. 17, 2008: Garrett, N. A., C. Hageman, S. Sibley, M. Davern, M. Berger, C. Brunzell, K. Malecha, S. Richards, and C. Moody. 2005. “The Effectiveness of an Interactive Small Group Diabetes Intervention in Improving Knowledge, Feeling of Control, and Behavior.” Health Promotion Practice 6(3):320-328. The...Read More

Journal Article: The Effect of Income Question Design in Health Surveys on Family Income, Poverty and Eligibility Estimates

Oct. 17, 2008: Davern, M., H. Rodin, T. Beebe, and K. T. Call. 2005. “The Effect of Income Question Design in Health Surveys on Family Income, Poverty and Eligibility Estimates.” Health Services Research 40(5):1534-1552. OBJECTIVE: To compare systematic differences between an "omnibus" income measure that asks...Read More

Journal Article: Employment and Health Insurance Coverage for Rural Latino Populations

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., M. Davern, and H. Rodin. 2005. “Employment and Health Insurance Coverage for Rural Latino Populations.” Journal of Community Health 30 (1):181-195. Rural Latino populations continue to grow in part due to relocation of food processing industries to rural America along with other...Read More
