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Employment and Health Insurance Coverage for Rural Latino Populations

Lynn A. Blewett, Principal Investigator
Michael Davern
October 17, 2008

Blewett, L. A., M. Davern, and H. Rodin. 2005. “Employment and Health Insurance Coverage for Rural Latino Populations.” Journal of Community Health 30 (1):181-195.

Rural Latino populations continue to grow in part due to relocation of food processing industries to rural America along with other manufacturing and large retail stores. We use data from the Current Population Survey to examine the labor force participation of rural Latino population and the role rural employers play in providing health insurance coverage. We found that while rural Latinos are more likely to be uninsured, the meat packing industry has higher health insurance coverage rates than other rural employers such as construction and retail. Local communities recruiting new businesses to their rural communities need to explore the role that employers will play in providing health insurance coverage. Lack of adequate coverage will have an impact on the income, resources, and day-to-day activities of physicians, hospitals and traditional safety net providers.