Planning for Expansion Populations - Demographic Data Sources
Presentation by Lynn Blewett, "Planning for Expansion Populations - Demographic Data Sources," at the National Governors Association's Planning for Expansion Populations Meeting on April 19, 2012, Minneapolis, MN.
Using Population Data to Understand the Impact of the ACA
Presentation by Lynn Blewett, "Using Population Data to Understand the Impact of the ACA," to the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP), April 11, 2012, Washington DC.
Louisiana Breaks New Ground: The Nation's First Use of Automatic Enrollment through Express Lane Eligibiltiy
This report, from SHARE grantee Stan Dorn of the Urban Institute, details findings from an analysis of Louisiana's landmark used of automated Medicaid enrollment via Express Lane Eligibility (ELE), a strategy authorized by the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA). Under this initiative Louisiana automatically enrolled children into Medicaid based on data matches indicating eligibility for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Dorn and his co-authors analyze the impact of Louisiana's ELE implementation on several outcomes including enrollment, coverage, administrative costs, and administrative efficiency, offering a number of lessons for other states considering the use of ELE for public program eligiblity determination.
State Data Spotlight: Rhode Island Health Indicators
This State Data Spotlight describes Rhode Island's Health Indicator System for Medicaid enrollees. The Rhode Island Medicaid Research and Evaluation Project uses existing public health data, Medicaid administrative data and state-level survey data to actively inform program activities and evaluation.
The Health Indicator System was established by the state in 1999 to monitor and evaluate health services within the Medicaid program, and also to provide a useful framework for data collection for all Rhode Islanders. They system helps policymakers identify how specific Medicaid interventions have impacted the health status of enrollees, and is used to inform future initiatives and interventions. January 2012
Webinar: FMAP and Income Conversion Methodology Study
In this webinar, experts from CMS, RAND, and SHADAC discuss the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) claiming and Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) income conversion methodologies that states will need to implement under the Affordable Care Act. These methodologies will be needed to determine who is newly eligible for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act and who would have been eligible before the Affordable Care Act took effect, had they applied for coverage (i.e., the “previously-eligible”), and to enable states to convert their current financial eligibility standards for Medicaid to the new MAGI-based standards.
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has contracted with the RAND Corporation, SHADAC, and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) to evaluate and refine proposed methodologies for (1) identifying individuals newly versus previously eligible for Medicaid for purposes of FMAP claiming, and (2) converting current state Medicaid eligibility standards to the new MAGI-based standards. Once the methodologies have been finalized, SHADAC will be providing technical assistance to states to implement them.
Whatever methodology or methodologies are ultimately chosen must be accurate but also administratively practical so that undue burden is not placed on states. The goal of this webinar is to provide information about the approach of the feasibility study, and to solicit input on the study’s design in order to ensure that the expertise and concerns of state officials and other stakeholders inform the project.
Please send input on the methodologies and study design to by November 4, 2011.
States interested in study participation should contact Lisa Hiatt at