Public program crowd-out of private coverage: What are the issues?
This Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Synthesis Brief addresses the topic of crowd-out, or public coverage substitution for private insurance. June 2004.
This Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Synthesis Brief addresses the topic of crowd-out, or public coverage substitution for private insurance. June 2004.
SHADAC's State Data Series brief profiling the uninsured in the U.S. Virgin Islands, an unincorporated territory of the United States that has one of the highest rates of uninsurance in the U.S. and its territories, but with little information about their uninsured population. May 2004.
SHADAC's State Data Series brief discusses the effectiveness of state purchasing pools, outlines barriers to successful outcomes, and maps out various ways Montana can encourage the development of viable purchasing pools for small employers and their employees. February 2004.
This SHADAC State Data Series brief compares two private coverage strategies being considered in the state of Montana to reduce the number of low-income workers and families without access to health insurance: (1) providing tax relief through a state tax credit to individuals and employers who purchase health insurance, and (2) subsidizing employer premiums for low-income children and parents with Medicaid or State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) funds. February 2004.
SHADAC's State Data Series brief describes the demographic characteristics and insurance status of parents with publically insured children in the state of Montana, how they get health care for themselves, and the implications for policy. February 2004.