Individual High Risk Pools: A Case Study of the MN Comprehensive Health Assn
A report funded by the New York State Health Foundation as part of a scan of the various strategies states are using to try to address the growing problem of small-group coverage; this report provides in-depth case studies on the strategies being used by Minnesota. September 2008.
A Comparison of the Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from Four National Surveys
Presentation by Mike Davern titled, "A Comparison of the Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from Four National Surveys," at the Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, August 5, 2008 in Denver CO.
The Growing Challenges to State Telephone Surveys of Health Insurance Coverage: Minnesota as a Case Study
Presentation by Kathleen Call titled, "The Growing Challenges to State Telephone Surveys of Health Insurance Coverage: Minnesota as a Case Study," at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June7, 2008 in Washington DC.