Options for Small Employer Health Insurance in Missouri
This report addresses small employer health insurance options for the state of Missouri. It outlines the key attributes, respective benefits and challenges of both purchasing pools and reinsurance, provides examples of state initiatives that combine purchasing pools and reinsurance to better meet the needs of uninsured employees of small firms, and describes selected states’ experiences with state employee pool buy-ins. March 2006.
This fact sheet provides preliminary results from the 2007 Minnesota Health Access Survey and compares these to findings from earlier years. April 2008.
A comprehensive report on trends in health insurance coverage in the State of Minnesota from 2001 to 2004. Six chapters contain an overview of health insurance coverage and coverage by income, by race and ethnicity, by age, by adults with and without children, and by geographic region. An appendix contains information on survey methodology and weighting. February 2006.
Measuring the Adequacy of Coverage or Underinsurance
This survey method guide discusses the three approaches used in the literature to answer to the question of what it means for a person to be underinsured. These approaches, economic, structural and attitudinal, may be used individually or in combination for a comprehensive measurement of whether or not health care coverage may be considered adequate. January 2004.