Health Behaviors
In this brief, titled "Cannabis Use Across the States in the Early Legalization Era", we use data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) to understand how legalization may be impacting cannabis use prevalence between states and age groups.
From pre-pandemic to during the pandemic, heavy alcohol use among Americans rose nearly 20%. This increase in drinking was sustained through 2022.
Alcohol attributable deaths have been rising since 2006. Alcohol death rates accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic - learn more about how this is affecting different demographic groups in our latest brief.
As of 2023, Minnesota legalized cannabis for non-medical use by adults, becoming one of the now 24 states with such policies. Minnesota’s cannabis legislation limits legal cannabis use to adults aged 21 and older, similar to other states’ legislation for cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol use as well.… Read more
Most 9th and 11th graders report never having tried cannabis, but rates of recent use vary by demographic groups. In 2023, Minnesota became one of a growing number of states that have legalized cannabis for non-medical use by adults. When lawmakers crafted Minnesota’s legislation, they established… Read more
Cancer screening for adults plays a pivotal role in early detection, increasing the chances of successful treatment and preventing thousands of cancer deaths.
Using data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), this brief explores people’s perceptions and opinions related to cannabis and cannabis use prior to its 2023 legalization in Minnesota. The brief begins with an overview of the context of cannabis policy and use in the United… Read more
Even before legalization, most Minnesotans reported that cannabis was easy to obtain; only one-third disapproved of use by adults
This brief uses data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) to understand issues related to public health implications of Minnesota cannabis use prior to its 2023 legalization.
Even before legalization, cannabis use was rising in Minnesota Cannabis policy in the United States has evolved during the past decade.