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State Survey Research Activity

State Survey Research Activity

As part of our core activities, SHADAC tracks state-level data collection and research about health care coverage and access, including quantitative statewide population surveys. In addition to providing information about data collection years and links to these state surveys, we also provide links to websites and reports that show how states use this data. 

The table below displays the years in which states conducted household and employer surveys relating to health care coverage and access. Hover over the marks for a high-level state summary of survey activity, or click the marks to access a list of available survey instruments, reports, and technical documentation conducted at the state level since 2010.  

SHADAC also maintains an archive of state-level data collection for the years between 2000 and 2010. This archive includes household surveys, employer surveys, enrollee surveys, and focus groups relating to health care coverage and access. Please contact us with any inquiries about state surveys conducted prior to 2010.

NOTE: SHADAC periodically updates this page as new documents become available, so make sure to check back for the latest information. Last update: Summer 2023