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Stakeholder Analysis of Medicaid Competitive Bidding in Minnesota

Kristin Dybdal, Senior Research Fellow
Donna Spencer, Senior Research Associate
October 03, 2012

This report presents the results of a stakeholder analysis of the new competitive bidding process implemented in the seven-county Twin Cities, Minnesota metropolitan area for the 2012 Families and Children Contract for Medicaid (known as Medical Assistance or MA in Minnesota) and MinnesotaCare medical care services. While competitive bidding is an approach that has been used by other states around the country to contract with health plans serving public program enrollees, it is new to the State of Minnesota and represents a significant and meaningful change in the manner in which contracting has been handled in Minnesota for over a decade. 

This report describes the approach SHADAC used to conduct the project, provides a summary of the Families and Children Contract procurement changes implemented in the metropolitan area, and presents and discusses key themes from interviews with stakeholders about the implementation of the competitive bidding process. We conclude with a set of recommendations for DHS to consider in future procurements in the metropolitan area and throughout the State. 

View PDF of this report here.