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Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Kansas

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Colorado

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. To...Read More

Report/Brief: Data Center CPS Revisions, Fall 2011

Nov. 14, 2011: This technical brief describes revisions have been made to SHADAC’s Data Center in November 2011. The Data Center is a web-based table generator tool allowing users to customize tables and graphs of health insurance coverage estimates within a pre-defined set of parameters. This brief...Read More

Report/Brief: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates from the Census Bureau: 2008 and 2009

Oct. 27, 2011: The Census Bureau’s Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program produces model-based estimates of health insurance coverage for all counties and states. Estimates for calendar years 2008 and 2009 were released in October 2011.  Currently, the SAHIE program is the only source of...Read More

Report/Brief: Comparing Federal Surveys Brief Updated: 2011

Sep. 27, 2011: SHADAC has updated the brief, "Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count the Uninsured," released each September by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to coincide with the release of health insurance estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau. This brief compares estimates of health insurance...Read More

Report/Brief: The Impact of Outreach

Sep. 02, 2011: “The Impact of Outreach" describe methods of tracking impact of outreach with a specific focus on health coverage programs. Read More

Report/Brief: SHAP Primary Care Capacity Summary

Aug. 31, 2011: SHADAC has developed a brief analysis of primary care capacity for each SHAP grantee state. Each two page brief includes: A map of the distribution of the projected Medicaid eligible population ages 19 to 64 in 2014 for the state, by county. A table that illustrates the...Read More

Report/Brief: Modified Adjusted Gross Income: Implications for Medicaid Eligibility Systems under the ACA

Jul. 28, 2011: This ACA Note discusses the implementation of the new income definition--Modified Adjusted Gross Income or "MAGI"--that will be used to determine Medicaid income eligibility across the country in 2014 when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) takes full effect.  The implementation of MAGI is...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from the 2009 American Community Survey

Jul. 21, 2011: SHADAC Issue Brief #25 provides state-level estimates of health insurance coverage by age and income from the American Community Survey (ACS).  The ACS is a relatively new source of state-level health insurance coverage estimates, but its large sample size makes it a potentially powerful...Read More

Report/Brief: Summary of State-level Data and Information in Reports Released by MACPAC

Jun. 29, 2011: SHADAC compiled this summary of state-level data and information released by MACPAC in the Medicaid and CHIP Program Statistics (MACStats) section of the March and June 2011 MACPAC reports to Congress.  This serves as a quick reference tool for state analysts and policymakers.  The...Read More

Report/Brief: SHADAC State Reform Survey Workgroup Report

Jun. 28, 2011: SHADAC assembled a State Survey Reform Workgroup in the fall of 2010 to share information between states that are considering how state health surveys can best capture progress on national and state health reform efforts. This report provides a summary of the workgroup membership and activities...Read More

Report/Brief: Trends in U.S. Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

Jun. 17, 2011: This report examines state-level trends in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) and the factors that influence ESI. Download the report. Most nonelderly Americans who have health insurance are covered through an employer, and ESI will continue to be a major source of health insurance even...Read More

Report/Brief: A Framework for Tracking the Impacts of the Affordable Care Act in California

Jun. 15, 2011: This report, funded by a grant from the California HealthCare Foundation, makes recommendations for how California can measure the impact of health reform in three areas: Health insurance coverage; Affordability and comprehensiveness of health insurance coverage; and Access to health care...Read More

Report/Brief: Monitoring the Impacts of Health Reform at the State Level: Using Federal Survey Data

Mar. 04, 2011: This brief identifies state-level information currently available from seven federal surveys to help states monitor the impact of health reform and to compare the impacts of reform across states.  The brief provides an overview of the health insurance coverage and the health care access, use...Read More

Report/Brief: 2009 SHARE Grant Award Information

Jan. 26, 2011: This document outlines the first round of SHARE-funded research projects, detailing each study's research goals, principal investigator(s), and grantee institution. Read More

Report/Brief: A Summary of the American Community Survey Logical Edits Applied to Health Insurance Coverage

Dec. 10, 2010: This technical brief describes the logical edits applied to the health insurance coverage items in the American Community Survey.  Beginning in 2009 the Census Bureau added a series of logical edits to the editing routine for health insurance coverage.  These logical edits, which were...Read More

Report/Brief: Health Insurance Exchanges - How Economic and Financial Modeling Can Support State Implementation

Nov. 18, 2010: This brief addresses some of the issues that states will need to consider in making decisions about the health insurance exchanges that are a central part of the health insurance coverage strategy in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) enacted in March of 2010. Specifically,...Read More

Report/Brief: Data Center Enhancements and Revisions 2010

Oct. 14, 2010: This technical brief describes several enhancements and revisions have been made to SHADAC’s Data Center in October 2010. The Data Center is a web-based table generator tool allowing users to customize tables and graphs of health insurance coverage estimates within a pre-defined set of parameters....Read More

Report/Brief: Health Insurance Exchanges: Implementation and Data Considerations for States

Oct. 13, 2010: SHADAC Issue Brief #23 presents key implementation and data considerations for states as they contemplate the creation and role of health insurance exchanges.  Establishing health insurance exchanges is integral to implementing reforms under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Variation in Children’s Health Insurance: A Deeper Look

Oct. 11, 2010: This report uses data from the 2008 American Community Survey to showcase significant variations in health insurance status, both within and across states by age, race/ethnicity and family income. Nationally, older children were more likely to be uninsured, white children were much more likely...Read More
