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Journal Article: Addressing Confounding Errors When Using Non-Experimental, Observational Data to Make Causal Claims

Oct. 17, 2008: Ward, A. C. & P. J. Johnson. 2008. “Addressing Confounding Errors When Using Non-Experimental, Observational Data to Make Causal Claims.” Synthese 163(3): 419-432. In their recent book, Is Inequality Bad for Our Health?, Daniels, Kennedy, and Kawachi claim that to “act justly in health...Read More

Journal Article: Neighborhood Poverty and American Indian Infant Death: Are the Effects Identifiable?

Oct. 17, 2008: Johnson, P. J., J. M. Oakes, and D. L. Anderton. 2008. “Neighborhood Poverty and American Indian Infant Death: Are the Effects Identifiable?” Annals of Epidemiology 18(7): 552-559. PURPOSE: Poor living conditions are posited as an underlying cause of American Indian (AI) infant mortality, which is...Read More

Journal Article: Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison between Self-Reported Coverage and Admin Data Records

Oct. 17, 2008: Davern, M., K. T. Call, J. Ziegenfuss, G. Davidson, T. Beebe, and L. A. Blewett. 2008. "Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison between Self-Reported Coverage and Administrative Data Records." Public Opinion Quarterly 72(2): 241-259. We administered a health insurance...Read More

Journal Article: Health Disparities among America's Health Care Providers: Evidence from the Integrated Health Interview Series, 1982-2004

Oct. 17, 2008: Chou, C. and P. J. Johnson. 2008. “Health Disparities among America's Health Care Providers: Evidence from the Integrated Health Interview Series, 1982-2004.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 50(6): 696-704. Objective: To examine whether health status and obesity prevalence...Read More

Journal Article: The Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence

Oct. 17, 2008: Call, K. T., G. Davidson, M. Davern, L. A. Blewett, and R. Nyman. 2008. “The Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence.” Health Services Research 43(3): 901-14. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether known Medicaid enrollees misreport their health...Read More

Journal Article: When a Usual Source of Care and Usual Provider Matter: Adult Prevention and Screening Services

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., P. J. Johnson, B. Lee, and P. Scal. 2008. “When a Usual Source of Care and Usual Provider Matter: Adult Prevention and Screening Services.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 23(9):1354-1360. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the usual source of preventive care, (having a usual...Read More

Journal Article: Local Access to Care Programs: New Developments in the Access to Care for the Uninsured

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L. A., J. Ziegenfuss and M. Davern. 2008. “Access to ‘Local Access to Care Programs’: New Developments in the Access to Care for the Uninsured.” Milbank Quarterly 86(3): 459-479. CONTEXT: New, locally based health care access programs are emerging in response to the growing number of...Read More

Journal Article: The Effects of Survey Mode and Asking about Future Intentions on Self-reports of Colorectal Cancer Screening

Oct. 17, 2008: Beebe, T. J., S. M. Jenkins, K. J. Anderson, M. E. Davern, and T. Rockwood. 2008. “The Effects of Survey Mode and Asking about Future Intentions on Self-reports of Colorectal Cancer Screening.” Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 17(4):785-90. Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates...Read More

Journal Article: The Impact of Smoking-Cessation Intervention by Multiple Health Professionals

Oct. 17, 2008: An, L.C., S.S. Foldes, N. L. Alesci, P. Bland, M.E. Davern, B.A. Schillo, J.S. Ahluwalia, and M.W. Manley. 2008. “The Impact of Smoking-Cessation Intervention by Multiple Health Professionals.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 34(1): 54-60. BACKGROUND: Smokers have contact with many...Read More

Journal Article: Persistent Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage: Hispanic/Latino Children, 1996 to 2005

Oct. 17, 2008: Van Wie, A., J. Ziegenfuss, M. Davern, and L. A. Blewett. 2008. “Persistent Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage: Hispanic/Latino Children, 1996 to 2005.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 19(4): 1181-1191. Objective. To identify how health insurance coverage trends changed...Read More

Journal Article: Transition to Adulthood: Delays and Unmet Needs among Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Conditions

Oct. 17, 2008: Scal, P., M. Davern, K. Park, and M. Ireland. 2008. “Transition to Adulthood: Delays and Unmet Needs among Adolescents and Young Adults with Asthma.” Journal of Pediatrics 52(4):471-475. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of the transition to adulthood on financial and non-financial barriers to...Read More

Journal Article: Four Decades of Population Health Data: The Integrated Health Interview Series

Oct. 17, 2008: Johnson, P. J., L. A. Blewett, S. Ruggles, M. Davern, and M. L. King. 2008. “Four Decades of Population Health Data: The Integrated Health Interview Series.” Epidemiology 19(6):872-875. The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a primary source of information on the changing health of the US...Read More

Journal Article: The Effect of Racial Residential Segregation on Black Infant Mortality

Oct. 17, 2008: Hearst, M., J. M. Oakes, and P. J. Johnson. 2008. “The Effect of Racial Residential Segregation on Black Infant Mortality.” American Journal of Epidemiology 168(11): 1247-1254.Read More

Journal Article: Improving Geriatric Transitional Care through Interprofessional Care Teams

Oct. 17, 2008: Blewett, L., K. Johnson, T. McCarthy, T. Lackner, and B. Brandt. 2010. "Improving Geriatric Transitional Care through Interprofessional Care Teams." Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (16)1: 57-63. Objectives The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the use of an...Read More

Journal Article: The Impact of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage on Immunization Status for Young Children

Oct. 16, 2008: Blewett, L. A., G. Davidson, M. Bramlett, H. Rodin, and M. Messionnier. 2008. “The Impact of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage on Immunization Status for Young Children.” Health Service Research 43(5): 1619-1636. Objective. To examine the impact of full-year versus intermittent public and private...Read More

Journal Article: Evaluating Federal Funding Formulas - The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (Summary)

Oct. 10, 2008: This Executive Summary highlights key findings of SHADAC's research studying the impact of using state level data inputs on the number of low income uninsured children from the Current Population Survey (CPS) to determine the distribution of federal dollars to the states. February 2007. This...Read More

Journal Article: The Impact of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage on Immunization Status for Young Children

Oct. 01, 2008: Blewett, L.A., G. Davidson, M. Bramlett, H. Rodin, M. Messionnier. "The Impact of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage on Immunization Status for Young Children." Health Service Research 43(5): 1619-1636. Read More

Journal Article: When a Usual Source of Care and Usual Provider Matter: Adult Prevention and Screening Services

Sep. 01, 2008: Blewett, L.A., P.J. Johnson, B. Lee, and P.Scal. "When a Usual Source of Care and Usual Provider Matter: Adult Prevention and Screening Services." Journal of General Internal Medicine 23(9):1354-1360. Read More

Journal Article: The Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence

Jun. 01, 2008: Call, K.T., G. Davidson, M. Davern, L. Blewett, and R. Nyman. "The Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence." Health Services Research 43(3): 901-14. Read More

Journal Article: Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison between Self-Reported Coverage and Administrative Data Records

May. 01, 2008: Davern, M., K.T. Call, J. Ziegenfuss, G. Davidson, T. Beebe, and L.A. Blewett. "Validating Health Insurance Coverage Survey Estimates: A Comparison between Self-Reported Coverage and Administrative Data Records." Public Opinion Quarterly 72(2): 241-259. Read More
