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Report/Brief: Keeping Kids Covered: Number of Children with Health Coverage Increases During Economic Downturn

Aug. 21, 2012: This report examines state-level trends in children's health insurance coverage. Download the report. This report analyzes recent trends in health insurance coverage for children at the state level between 2008 and 2010. The percentage of children with public coverage through Medicaid or the...Read More

Report/Brief: Predicting the Health Insurance Impacts of Complex Policy Changes: A New Tool for States

Jul. 26, 2012: This brief overviews the SHADAC Projection Model, a complex spreadsheet model that states can use to estimate the impacts of policy changes on health insurance coverage.  The SHADAC Projection Model provides state officials with the flexibility to update baseline data or test different...Read More

Report/Brief: SHAP Report on the Modernization of State Medicaid Eligibility Systems

Jul. 24, 2012: This report presents findings of a survey conducted by SHADAC of State Medicaid Directors regarding state plans for and progress made toward upgrading Medicaid eligibility systems in light of national health reform.  The purpose of this study was to delve behind the user experience of Medicaid...Read More

Report/Brief: Best Practices in SHAP Outreach, Eligibility, and Enrollment Activities

May. 08, 2012: This brief describes the promising approaches that five states shared with regards to the promising approaches  to outreach and streamlining application and enrollment processes, and consider the implications of these practices for implementing the ACA. This is one of two briefs that draw...Read More

Report/Brief: SHAP Enrollment and Eligibility Activities: Implications for Process and System Modernization under National Health Reform

May. 08, 2012: SHADAC Issue Brief #29 describes the best practices that five states shared related to system design and business requirements of streamlining application and enrollment processes, and modernizing eligibility determination systems for ACA implementation. This is one of two briefs that draw...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from the 2010 American Community Survey

Apr. 10, 2012: SHADAC Issue Brief #28 provides state-level estimates of health insurance coverage by age and income from the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS).   The maps and tables included in this brief provide state-level estimates for the nonelderly population (age 0 to 64), children (age 0 to 18...Read More

Report/Brief: Predicting the Effects of the Affordable Care Act

Mar. 27, 2012: The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) calls for significant policy changes that have meaningful and widespread implications for the U.S. health system. Given the magnitude and breadth of these provisions, policymakers and analysts need tools to estimate the potential effects on...Read More

Report/Brief: Louisiana Breaks New Ground: The Nation's First Use of Automatic Enrollment through Express Lane Eligibiltiy

Feb. 15, 2012: This report, from SHARE grantee Stan Dorn of the Urban Institute, details findings from an analysis of Louisiana's landmark used of automated Medicaid enrollment via Express Lane Eligibility (ELE), a strategy authorized by the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of...Read More

Report/Brief: Health Reform in Massachusetts: An Update as of Fall 2010

Feb. 01, 2012: This report presents the latest findings from the Massachusetts Health Reform Survey (MHRS), which has been conducted since 2006 to monitor the impact of the Massachusetts health reform law. This year's report shows that more than 90% of nonelderly adults have a usual source of care, up from 86...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis West Virginia

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Wisconsin

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here to...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Washington

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Virginia

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Texas

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Oregon

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis New York

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Nevada

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis North Carolina

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Minnesota

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More

Report/Brief: Provider Capacity Analysis Maine

Dec. 22, 2011: The brief's maps and tables display one way of analyzing primary care capacity at a state level. The figures include information about the potential need (projected Medicaid eligibility and population characteristics) and capacity (current physician supply) in a visual format. Click Here...Read More
