Search Results

Report/Brief: Geographic Concentration of the Uninsured

Feb. 06, 2014: This analysis was conducted by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) to estimate the geographic concentration of the uninsured across U.S. counties.  The estimates are from the 2011 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program at the U.S. Census Bureau. The SAHIE...Read More

Report/Brief: SHARE Program Report, December 2013

Nov. 08, 2013: This report summarizes the grants and research that have been funded, who has used or cited SHARE results, and the implications for implementation of the ACA. Read More

Report/Brief: Evaluation of the Minnesota Community Application Agent (MNCAA) Program: A State Health Access Program Analysis for the Minnesota Department of Human Services

Oct. 30, 2013: This report, prepared by SHADAC for the Minnesota Department of Human Serivces (DHS) with funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) State Health Access Program (SHAP), presents findings from an evaluation of the Minnesota Community Application Agenda (MNCAA) program. Read More

Report/Brief: Engaging Commercial Payers on Multi-Payer Alignment

Oct. 01, 2013: In response to requests from states, this technical assistance document provides some tips to states on how to productively engage with private payers on the goal of achieving multipayer alignment in payment reform and delivery system reform initiatives. In some states, Medicaid has been a very...Read More

Report/Brief: Comparing Federal Surveys that Count the Uninsured: 2013

Sep. 20, 2013: The number of uninsured Americans is large and growing over time, yet there continues to be debate about exactly how many Americans are uninsured. Researchers use data from several different national surveys to estimate the number of uninsured people in America and discrepancies in their estimates...Read More

Report/Brief: Data Sources Related to Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse

Sep. 01, 2013: This memo provides an overview of federal data resources that include key indicators on behavioral health and substance abuse, to help states get a better sense of the sources of data that are currently available on this topic. We include a high level description of each data source and a list of...Read More

Report/Brief: Review of Existing Data Sources to Assess the Impacts of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions: Working Paper

Jul. 17, 2013: This working paper was prepared by SHADAC Deputy Director Julie Sonier for the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The purpose of the report is to describe and assess existing data sources that could be used to evaluate...Read More

Report/Brief: Using Data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for Health Reform Evaluation

Jul. 08, 2013: This issue brief provides background on data collected by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) that can be used to evaluate marketplace responses—both within and across states—to new insurance regulations established by the ACA.  Authors Pinar Karaca-Mandic...Read More

Report/Brief: Developing Subannual Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage from the American Community Survey: Challenges and Promising Next Steps

Apr. 24, 2013: This report was prepared jointly by authors at the Urban Institute and SHADAC for the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation (ASPE).  In it, the authors make the case that the value of the American Community Survey (ACS) for the purposes of monitoring and evaluating the ACA could be...Read More

Report/Brief: Enhancing the Value of the American Community Survey for ACA Evaluation: Developing More Timely Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage

Apr. 16, 2013: The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing general household survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The ACS became fully operational in 2005, replacing the long form of the decennial census, and is based on completed interviews with almost two million housing units each year....Read More

Report/Brief: State Estimates of the Low-Income Uninsured Not Eligible for the ACA Medicaid Expansion

Mar. 15, 2013: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) will expand access to affordable health insurance for millions of Americans. In states that choose to implement the Medicaid expansion for low-income adults, Medicaid will provide an important new pathway to coverage. Yet, even in states that...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Trends in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: A State-by-State Analysis

Feb. 26, 2013: This report examines recent trends in employer-sponsored insurance at the national and state level, and it expands and updates our previous analysis. The report uses state-level data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS) for the coverage...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Trends in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: A State-by-State Analysis

Feb. 26, 2013: This report examines recent trends in employer-sponsored insurance at the national and state level, and it expands and updates our previous analysis. The report uses state-level data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS) for the coverage...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Trends in Employer-Sponsored Insurance: 2013

Feb. 14, 2013: This report examines state-level trends in employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) and the factors that influence ESI. Download the report. Most nonelderly Americans who have health insurance coverage obtain it through an employer, whether through their own employer or through the employer of a...Read More

Report/Brief: Estimated Financial Effects of Expanding Oregon's Medicaid Program under the Affordable Care Act (2014-2020)

Feb. 06, 2013: In its role as a technical assistance provider for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Network initiative, SHADAC collaborated with Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Manatt Health Solutions to produce an analysis of the fiscal effects of expanding Medicaid in Oregon under the...Read More

Report/Brief: NHIS Questionnaire Changes Addressing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Jan. 11, 2013: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) made a number of changes to the National Health Interview Survey questionnaire in response to new data requirements generated by the need to monitor the impacts of the Affordable Care Act on the health care system.  These changes were first...Read More

Report/Brief: State-Level Health Insurance Coverage Estimates from the 2011 American Community Survey

Dec. 31, 2012: SHADAC Issue Brief #33 provides state-level estimates of health insurance coverage by age and income from the 2011 American Community Survey (ACS).   The maps and tables included in this brief provide state-level estimates for thenonelderly population (age 0 to 64), children (age 0 to...Read More

Report/Brief: Stakeholder Analysis of Medicaid Competitive Bidding in Minnesota

Oct. 03, 2012: This report presents the results of a stakeholder analysis of the new competitive bidding process implemented in the seven-county Twin Cities, Minnesota metropolitan area for the 2012 Families and Children Contract for Medicaid (known as Medical Assistance or MA in Minnesota) and MinnesotaCare...Read More

Report/Brief: Understanding 1-, 3-, and 5-year ACS Estimates: Summary Tabulations and Public Use Files

Sep. 21, 2012: SHADAC Issue Brief #32 describes the differences between the American Community Survey's 1-, 3- and 5-year these data products, provides guidance on when to use single-year vs. multi-year estimates, and provides some technical details about the multi-year files.  September 2012. Read More

Report/Brief: Medicaid Expansion: Framing and Planning a Financial Impact Analysis

Sep. 01, 2012: This brief containts a worksheet and considerations table that can serve as a guide for states considering their own Medicaid expansion analysis. Created by State Network experts at the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC), Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), and...Read More
