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Presentation: State Performance Measurement: Considerations, Requirements, Experience

May. 06, 2014: Presentation by SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Elizabeth Lukanan on April 24, 2014, for the State Refor(u)m webinar, "How Am I Doing? Measuring State Health Coverage System Performance."   Download the slides as a PDF. Read More

Presentation: SHADAC Data Center: Virtual Tour

Apr. 22, 2014:   Podcast Presentation Material & Additional Resources Video for i-Pod Click here to access the presentation slides. Flash8 Video Click here to...Read More

Presentation: Establishing a Baseline for the Affordable Care Act: How accessible and affordable has health care been in Minnesota previous to the ACA?

Mar. 10, 2014: Giovann Alarcon presented, "Establishing a Baseline for the Affordable Care Act: How accessible and affordable has health care been in Minnesota previous to the ACA?" at the Eighteenth Annual Minnesota Health Services Research Conference on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. Giovann provided an...Read More

Presentation: Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey: How Does Minnesota Compare with Other States?

Mar. 06, 2014: Joanna Turner presented, "Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey: How does Minnesota Compare with other States?" at the Minnesota Health Services Research Conference on March 4, 2014. The objective of her presentation is to evaluate the Medicaid undercount in the American...Read More

Presentation: ACA 101: Presentation to Mnsure Health Advisory Committee

Feb. 06, 2014: Julie Sonier and Lynn Blewett presented for the MNsure Health Advisory Committee on January 14, 2014.   Read More

Presentation: Adapting State Surveys to Measure Health Coverage Post-Reform

Jan. 07, 2014:   The goal of this webinar is to inform the audience of research conducted at the Census Bureau on adapting its federal surveys to measure health insurance post-reform, including participation and subsidization through the new marketplaces/exchanges created through the Affordable Care Act...Read More

Presentation: The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on Health Insurance Coverage

Nov. 21, 2013: Gilbert Gonzales presented "The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on Health Insurance Coverage" at APPAM's Fall Research Conference. This presentation uses data from the American Community Survey to explore the impact of same-sex marriage on health insurance coverage among same-sex couples...Read More

Presentation: Enrolling Vulnerable Populations in Mnsure

Nov. 20, 2013: Presentation materials from Lynn Blewett's participation in panel discussion on November 13, 2013, about the challenge of enrolling the low-income uninsured in harder-to-reach communities in Minnesota's health insurance exchange.  The discussion was sponsored by the Center for the Study of...Read More

Presentation: Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey

Nov. 12, 2013: Presentation by SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Joanna Turner at the 2013 Research Conference of the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM), on November 4, 2013, in Washington, DC. SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Joanna Turner presented on November 4, 2013, at the annual research...Read More

Presentation: Health insurance Coverage Among Same-Sex Couples: Disparities and Trends Under DOMA

Nov. 06, 2013: Gilbert Gonzales presented, "Health Insurance Coverage Among Same-Sex Couples: Disparities and Trends Under DOMA" at the American Public Health Association's 141st Annual Meeting on November 4, 2013. This presentation examines disparities and trends in health insurance among same-sex...Read More

Presentation: Data and Methodologies Used in the Evaluation of Health Reform at the State Level

Nov. 05, 2013: Presentation by SHARE Deputy Director Donna Spencer on October 18, 2013, at the 27th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) in Washington, D.C.  Dr. Spencer presented the results of a systematic review of the data and methods used to conduct SHARE-funded research during...Read More

Presentation: Risky Business - The Transition of High Risk Pool Enrollees to Other Coverage in 2014

Oct. 02, 2013: Lynn Blewett presented "Risky Business - The Transition of High Risk Pool Enrollees to Other Coverage in 2014" at a gathering of the National Association of State Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans (NASCHIP) in San Antonio, Texas, on September 19, 2013. Read More

Presentation: Monitoring Health Access Using the American Community Survey

Oct. 01, 2013: Kathleen Thiede Call presented, "Monitoring Health Access Using the American Community Survey" to the U.S. House of Representatives on September 23, 2013.  See the linked handout for an overview of the ACS, how to use the ACS, and more information about SHADAC. Read More

Presentation: 2012 Health Insurance Coverage Estimates: SHADAC Webinar featuring U.S. Census Bureau experts

Sep. 10, 2013: This webinar provides an overview of the 2012 state health insurance coverage estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS), Current Population Survey (CPS), and the 2011 county estimates from the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program.  SHADAC staff present results...Read More

Presentation: Measuring Transitions, Spells of Uninsurance, and Churning in the Redesigned CPS

Aug. 09, 2013: SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Brett Fried presented, "Measuring Transitions, Spells of Uninsurance, and Churning in the Redesigned CPS," at the 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Montreal, Quebec, on August 4, 2013.   Read More

Presentation: Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey: Preliminary Results

Aug. 09, 2013: SHADAC Senior Research Fellow Joanna Turner presented, "Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey: Preliminary Results," at the 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Montreal, Quebec, on August 7, 2013.   Read More

Presentation: Medicaid Undercount in the American Community Survey

Aug. 01, 2013: This presentation was given by Senior Research Fellow Joanna Turner at the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings on August 5, 2014.   Read More

Presentation: Left Behind: The Low-income Uninsured Who Are Not Eligible for the ACA Medicaid Expansion

Jul. 30, 2013: Lynn Blewett presented, "Left Behind: The Low-income Uninsured Who Are Not Eligible for the ACA Medicaid Expansion" at the Charity Care Affinity Group's Small Group Consultation in San Diego, CA on July 24th, 2013.  For a related Issue Brief with state estimates, see "State...Read More

Presentation: State Variation in Health Insurance Coverage Among Same-Sex Couples

Jul. 19, 2013: Gilbert Gonzales presented, "State Variation in Health Insurance Coverage Among Same-Sex Couples" at the Population Association of America's (PAA) Annual Conference in New Orleans on April 12, 2013.   Read More

Presentation: Investigating the "Welcome Mat" Effect

Jul. 19, 2013: Michel Boudreaux presented, "Investigating the 'Welcome Mat' Effect: How Will the ACA Affect Medicaid Participation Among Previously Eligible But Not Enrolled Populations?" at AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting in Baltimore on June 24, 2013.   Read More
