Search Results

Journal Article: Counting Uninsurance and Means-Tested Coverage in the American Community Survey: A Comparison to the Current Population Survey

Jul. 18, 2011: Objective. To compare health insurance coverage estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) to the Current Population Survey (CPS-ASEC). Data Sources/Study Setting. The 2008 ACS and CPS-ASEC, 2009. Study Design. We compare age-specific national rates for all...Read More

Journal Article: Affordability of Health Insurance to Small Business: Implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Jun. 01, 2011: Miller, E. June 2011. "Affordability of Health Insurance to Small Business: Implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 36(3): 539-546. Read More

Journal Article: Bias in Telephone Surveys That Do Not Sample Cell Phones: Uses and Limits of Poststratification Adjustments

Apr. 01, 2011: Call, K. T., Davern, M., Boudreaux, M., Johnson, P. J., & Nelson, J. 2011. "Bias in Telephone Surveys That Do Not Sample Cell Phones: Uses and Limits of Poststratification Adjustments." Medical Care, 49(4), 355. Read More

Journal Article: Predictors of Patients’ Perceived Need for Medication to Prevent Fracture

Mar. 01, 2011: Schousboe, J. T., Davison, M. L., Dowd, B., Thiede Call, K., Johnson, P., & Kane, R. L. 2011. "Predictors of Patients’ Perceived Need for Medication to Prevent Fracture." Medical care, 49(3), 273. Read More

Journal Article: Harvesting the Lessons of State Health Policy (Editorial)

Feb. 09, 2011: Blewett, L., & Bindman, A. 2011. “Harvesting the Lessons of State Health Policy.” Health Services Research 46(1): 246-250. Findings of the first round of State Health Access Reform (SHARE) projects funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), published in a...Read More

Journal Article: State-Level Health Policy Research: Looking Back, Looking Ahead (Editorial)

Feb. 09, 2011: Quinn, B., 2011 "State-Level Health Policy Research: Looking Back, Looking Ahead." Health Services Research 46(1): 243-245. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) supports research on state-level policy efforts through its State Health Access Reform Evaluation (SHARE)...Read More

Journal Article: State High-Risk Pools: An Update on the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association

Feb. 01, 2011: Blewett L, Spencer D, Burke CE.  2011.  "State High-Risk Pools: An Update on the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association."  Am J Public Health. 2011 Feb; 101(2):231-7. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.185975. Read More

Journal Article: Have Gender Gaps in Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Narrowed under Health Reform? Findings from Massachusetts

Jan. 10, 2011:   Presentation by Sharon Long, Karen Stockley (Urban Institute), and Shanna Shulman (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation) at the American  Economic  Association  Annual  Meetings, January 8, 2011 in Denver, CO.  This research examines the impacts...Read More

Journal Article: Small Group Employer Participation in New Mexico's State Coverage Insurance Program: Lessons for Federal Reform

Jan. 01, 2011: Sommers A, Abraham JM, Spicer L, Mikow A, Spaulding-Bynon M.  "Small Group Employer Participation in New Mexico's State Coverage Insurance Program: Lessons for Federal Reform." 2011 Feb.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01216.x Read More

Journal Article: Disparities in Public Use Data Availability for Race, Ethnic, and Immigrant Groups: National Surveys for Healthcare Disparities Research

Dec. 01, 2010: Johnson PJ, Blewett LA, Davern M. 2010. "Disparities in Public Use Data Availability for Race, Ethnic, and Immigrant Groups: National Surveys for Healthcare Disparities Research."  Medical Care 48(12):1122-1127. Read More

Journal Article: Facilitating Research Faculty Participation in CBPR: Development of a Model Based on Key Informant Interviews

Oct. 01, 2010: Allen, M. L., Culhane‐Pera, K. A., Pergament, S. L., & Call, K. T. 2010. "Facilitating Research Faculty Participation in CBPR: Development of a Model Based on Key Informant Interviews." Clinical and Translational Science, 3(5), 233-238. Read More

Journal Article: American Indian/Alaska Native Uninsurance Disparities: A Comparison of Three Surveys

Oct. 01, 2010: Johnson PJ, Blewett LA, Call KT, Davern M. 2010. "American Indian/Alaska Native Uninsurance Disparities: A Comparison of Three Surveys."  American Journal of Public Health 100(10):1972-9. Read More

Journal Article: Immigrant Children's Access to Health Care: Differences by Global Region of Birth

May. 01, 2010: Blewett LA, Johnson PJ, Mach AL. 2010. "Immigrant Children's Access to Health Care: Differences by Global Region of Birth."  Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 21(2 Suppl):13-31. Read More

Journal Article: Complex Sample Design Effects and Health Insurance Variance Estimation

Apr. 09, 2010: Nielsen RB, Davern M, Jones, Jr. A and Boies JL. 2009. "Complex Sample Design Effects and Health Insurance Variance Estimation." Journal of Consumer Affairs, 43(2):  346-66.Read More

Journal Article: An Examination of the Medicaid Undercount in the Current Population Survey (CPS): Preliminary Results from Record Linking

Apr. 09, 2010: Davern M, Klerman JA, Baugh D, Call KT and Greenberg G. 2009. "An Examination of the Medicaid Undercount in the Current Population Survey (CPS): Preliminary Results from Record Linking." Health Services Research, 44(3): 965-987. This article examines why the Current Population Survey (CPS)...Read More

Journal Article: Drawing Statistical Inferences from Historical Census Data

Apr. 09, 2010: Davern M, Ruggles S, Swenson T and Oakes JM.  2009. "Drawing Statistical Inferences from Historical Census Data." Demography, 46(3): 589-603.Read More

Journal Article: Healthcare Coverage and the Health Care Industry

Apr. 09, 2010: Chou, C-F, Johnson PJ, Ward AC, and Blewett LA. "Healthcare Coverage and the Health Care Industry." American Journal of Public Health. 99(12): 2282-2288, 2009.Read More

Journal Article: Harry Potter and the Wise and Powerful Life Course Theorist

Apr. 09, 2010: Call KT and McAlpine DD. 2008. "Harry Potter and the Wise and Powerful Life Course Theorist." Contexts, 7(3): 75-77.Read More

Journal Article: Measuring Adequacy of Coverage for the Privately Insured: New State Estimates to Monitor Trends in Health Insurance Coverage

Apr. 09, 2010: Blewett LA, Davidson G, Rodin H, and Davern M. 2009. "Measuring Adequacy of Coverage for the Privately Insured: New State Estimates to Monitor Trends in Health Insurance Coverage." Medical Care Research and Review, 66(2): 167-180.Read More

Journal Article: Survey-Related Experiential and Attitudinal Correlates of Future Health Survey Participation: Results of a Statewide Survey

Apr. 09, 2010: Beebe TJ, Jenkins SM, Anderson KJ, Davern ME. 2008. "Survey-Related Experiential and Attitudinal Correlates of Future Health Survey Participation: Results of a Statewide Survey." Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 83(12): 1358-1363.Read More
