Search Results

Journal Article: Hospital Provision of Uncompensated Care and Public Program Enrollment

Dec. 01, 2003: Blewett, L.A., G. Davidson, M. Brown, and R. Maude-Griffin. "Hospital Provision of Uncompensated Care and Public Program Enrollment." Medical Care Research and Review 60(4): 509-527. Read More

Journal Article: State Variation in SCHIP Allocations: How Much Is There, What Are Its Sources, and Can It Be Reduced?

Jul. 01, 2003: Davern, M., L.A. Blewett, B. Bershadsky, K.T. Call, and T. Rockwood. "State Variation in SCHIP Allocations: How Much Is There, What Are Its Sources, and Can It Be Reduced?" Inquiry 40(2): 184-187. Read More

Journal Article: Uncovering the Missing Medicaid Cases and Assessing Their Bias for Estimates of the Uninsured

Jan. 01, 2001: Call, K.T., G. Davidson, A.S. Sommers, R. Feldman, P. Farseth, and T. Rockwood. "Uncovering the Missing Medicaid Cases and Assessing Their Bias for Estimates of the Uninsured." Inquiry 38(4): 396-408. Read More
