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Report/Brief: Comparing Health Insurance Estimates from the ACS and the CPS

Sep. 29, 2010: The purpose of this brief is to introduce health policy data users to the American Community Survey, explain how it differs from the Current Population Survey, and provide guidance on issues to consider in deciding when to use each survey.   September 2010. Download a PDF of the brief...Read More

Report/Brief: Comparing State Uninsurance Estimates: SHADAC-Enhanced CPS and CPS

Sep. 14, 2010: SHADAC has developed and made available a Current Population Survey (CPS) data series (the "SHADAC-Enhanced CPS") that makes several adjustments to the CPS estimates to account for survey changes over time.  This brief compares the CPS estimates as published by the Census Bureau to the SHADAC-...Read More

Report/Brief: The Importance of Young Adult Provisions in Massachusetts' Health Reform

Aug. 25, 2010: Massachusetts enacted a comprehensive health care reform bill in 2006 that has moved the state to near-universal health insurance coverage. Although estimates to date have focused on the overall effect of the Massachusetts health reform package there is substantial policy interest in determining...Read More

Report/Brief: Reaching Uninsured Children: Iowa’s Income Tax Return and CHIP Project

Aug. 23, 2010: This issue brief details the collaborative effort between Iowa's Department of Revenue and Department of Human Services to use tax information to reach out to uninsured children who are potentially eligible for the state’s CHIP (“hawk-i”) and Medicaid programs. The brief...Read More

Report/Brief: SNACC Phase VI Report

Aug. 20, 2010: Report for Phase VI of the SNACC Medicaid Undercount project:  Comparing MSIS and MEPS.  This phase replicates the Phase II process but uses the calendar year 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data. The intent of Phase VI is to determine how the MEPS estimate of the number of...Read More

Report/Brief: SNACC Phase V Report

Aug. 20, 2010: Report for Phase V of the SNACC Medicaid Undercount project: Comparing MSIS and the CPS ASEC, 2003-2004.  This phase V is a repeat of Phase II with later years of the CPS. The intent of this phase is to see if the discrepancy measured and explained in Phase II changes noticeably in the size or...Read More

Report/Brief: Health Security Index, July 2009-June 2010

Aug. 20, 2010: This report provides a 12-month historical overview (July 1009-June 2010) of Americans’ opinions about their experiences and expectations relating to health care. The report is based on The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Health Care Consumer Confidence Index (RWJF Index), a...Read More

Report/Brief: Issues for State High-Risk Pools with Implementation of National Health Reform

Jun. 01, 2010: SHADAC Issue Brief #20 addresses the history of state high-risk pools, provides information on individual state high-risk pools, states’ decisions about participation in the temporary high-risk pool created by national health reform, and concerns about the transition from state high-risk pools to...Read More

Report/Brief: Income Data for Policy Analysis

Apr. 26, 2010: This report is a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the income data and their utility for policy-related analyses in eight major surveys: the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP); the Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS); the American...Read More

Report/Brief: Comparison of the Health Insurance Coverage Estimates

Apr. 26, 2010: This report provides a comparison of four national surveys that measure health insurance coverage to asess fundamental methodological issues that impact the variation in health insurance coverage estimates seen among these surveys.  The surveys compared include the Current Population Survey’s...Read More

Report/Brief: Barely Hanging On

Mar. 17, 2010: This report presents state-by-state trends in employer-sponsored health insurance coverage from 2000 to 2008.  This coverage has long been the mainstay of coverage in the United States, particularly for middle class families. The report was released by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the...Read More

Report/Brief: Using Enhanced CPS Microdata

Mar. 09, 2010: This technical brief describes how to access SHADAC-enhanced Current Population Survey (CPS) variables from the IPUMS web site maintained by the Minnesota Population Center. Background:  SHADAC researchers have developed an enhanced time series to enable a harmonized view of health...Read More

Report/Brief: HIFA Evaluation Study

Jan. 24, 2010: Two reports were produced for the Second Phase of the HIFA Evaluation Study, Medicare/Medicaid Research and Demonstration Task Order Contract (MRAD/TOC) HHSM-500-2005-00027I, T.O. 2 These reports are not available for download at this time, but are available upon request to Dr. Kathleen Call,...Read More

Report/Brief: SHADAC-Enhanced CPS Health Insurance Coverage Estimates

Dec. 30, 2009: SHADAC has created an enhanced time series to enable a harmonized view of health insurance coverage over time using the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS).  This was done to account for methodological changes to the CPS. The applied enhancements are outlined...Read More

Report/Brief: Estimating SCHIP/Medicaid Eligible but Not Enrolled at the County Level

Nov. 19, 2009: This technical brief describes a process for estimating the number of SCHIP/Medicaid eligible but not enrolled children in all of a state’s counties. November 2009. Read More

Report/Brief: Small Area Estimation Technique for Oklahoma

Nov. 17, 2009: This technical report describes the Small Area Estimation technique employed by SHADAC for the 2008 Oklahoma Health Care Insurance and Access Survey (OHIS).  The analysis was used to develop county-level estimates of uninsurance based on data from the 2008 OHIS.  November 2009. Read More

Report/Brief: State of Reform: Evaluating State Efforts to Improve Access to Health Care

Oct. 12, 2009: SHARE grantees are currently in the process of releasing preliminary findings from their evaluations of state-level reform strategies. This brief, titled "State of Reform," provides an overview and synthesis of preliminary findings and significant lessons learned so far....Read More

Report/Brief: Historical Changes in Current Population Survey Health Insurance Coverage Items for Survey Years 1988 through 2009

Oct. 12, 2009: SHADAC Issue Brief #19 summarizes the changes to the Current Population Survey's Annual Social and Economic Supplement health insurance questions and data variables for survey years 1988 through 2009 (reflecting calendar years 1987 through 2008). October 2009. Read More

Report/Brief: SHARE Grantee David Idala Releases Issue Brief about Tax-Based Medicaid/CHIP Outreach in Maryland

Sep. 25, 2009:   Principal Investigator David Idala and his research team at The Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), have released an issue brief detailing early findings from their SHARE-sponsored evaluation of Maryland's efforts to use tax information to...Read More

Report/Brief: Comparing Federal Government Surveys that Count the Uninsured

Sep. 10, 2009: The number of uninsured Americans is large and growing over time, yet there continues to be debate about exactly how many Americans are uninsured. Researchers use data from several different national surveys to estimate the number of uninsured people in America and discrepancies in their estimates...Read More
