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Blog: Assessing Physician Acceptance of Medicaid Patients Using State Health Compare

Aug. 25, 2022: In order for the more than 80 million Medicaid beneficiaries to access needed care in a timely manner, there must be a sufficient number of health care providers to serve these patients. There has long been concern that providers are less likely to accept Medicaid patients than patients with other...Read More

Blog: 2021 NHIS Full-Year Health Insurance Estimates Early Release: Coverage Rates Remain Stable Overall, Changes Visible across Demographic Groups (Infographic)

May. 10, 2022: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released health insurance coverage estimates for 2021 from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) as part of the NHIS Early Release Program. The estimates captured in this report are some of the first available coverage estimates for 2021 from a...Read More

Infographics: Minnesota's Uninsured Population by Legislative District

Sep. 23, 2021: Our research team at SHADAC has continued its partnership with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota to refresh a tool that provides critical information on the uninsured populations in Minnesota at the legislative district level.  Legislative District ...Read More

Blog: Update to SHADAC’s Minnesota Uninsured Legislative District Infographics Aims to Assist in Addressing Coverage Disparities

Sep. 22, 2021: Our research team at SHADAC has continued its partnership with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota to refresh a tool that provides critical information on the uninsured populations in Minnesota at the legislative district level. Using the most up-to-date estimates available...Read More

Blog: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates: State-level and Subpopulation Evidence from the Household Pulse Survey

Jul. 19, 2021: Update 6: June 9 to June 21 The COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. After several months of rolling out the various one and two-shot COVID-19 vaccines, which have included hiccups from the Johnson...Read More

Resource: Measuring Coronavirus Impacts with the Census Bureau's New Household Pulse Survey: Utilizing the Data and Understanding the Methodology

Jun. 05, 2021: The COVID-19 pandemic is having broad-ranging impacts on the health and economic security of Americans across the country, and policymakers, among others, are eager to understand the extent of these impacts and how they vary across states and key subpopulations such as race/ethnicity, given the...Read More

Blog: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates: State-level and Subpopulation Analysis of the Household Pulse Survey

Apr. 14, 2021: Update 5: March 17 to March 29 Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has picked up after an unsteady start earlier in...Read More

Report/Brief: Data to Inform Research on Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles

Apr. 01, 2021: This report by SHADAC researchers Lacey Hartman and Elizabeth Lukanen, conducted with support from the Arnold Ventures Foundation, summarizes the findings of a systematic review of data sources that could be used to study the broad topic of integrated care for dual eligibles.  The paper...Read More

Blog: New SHADAC Resource Explores and Evaluates Available Data Sources to Research Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles

Apr. 01, 2021: The importance of improving care for individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles) has received considerable attention in recent years.1,2,3 Extensive research has shown that dual eligibles account for a disproportionate share of spending within both programs, and the...Read More

Blog: Vaccinating children may be key to reaching COVID-19 herd immunity

Mar. 29, 2021: Few states could hit 80% vaccination rate until children are eligible As more people become vaccinated against COVID-19, it’s understandable that many want to return to “normal.” Recognizing that desire, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published guidance on...Read More

Blog: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates: State-level and Subpopulation Evidence from the Household Pulse Survey - Update 4

Mar. 25, 2021: Update 4: March 3 to March 15 Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has picked up after an unsteady rollout earlier in...Read More

Blog: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates: State-level and Subpopulation Evidence from the Household Pulse Survey - Update 3

Mar. 12, 2021: Update 3: Feb 17 to Mar 1 Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. The pace of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the United States has been somewhat unsteady, with a sizeable share of ups...Read More

Blog: SHADAC Researchers Continue to Make Updates to State Uninsured Population Profile Tool at Crucial Time

Mar. 03, 2021: More than a year after their initial release of an interactive tool that provides a way to identify and characterize communities with high uninsurance rates in the state of Minnesota, a research team at SHADAC is continuing to provide general users, health insurance navigators, policymakers,...Read More

Blog: State-Specific Surveys Encompassing Residents’ COVID-19 Experiences

Feb. 26, 2021: Updated on February 26, 2021 Introduction and Purpose One of the ways that states are responding to the novel coronavirus epidemic is to gather timely information from residents on their personal experiences and opinions regarding the pandemic. Such real-time information helps states...Read More

Infographics: State-level Flu Vaccination Rates Among Key Population Subgroups (50-state profiles)

Feb. 18, 2021: As the nation and individual states prepare to ramp up COVID-19 vaccination rollout campaigns beyond the initial phase of prioritized recipients, understanding the challenges they face in getting vaccines to key resident demographics is important to their success in achieving population-level...Read More

Blog: 50-State Infographics: A State-level Look at Flu Vaccination Rates among Key Population Subgroups

Feb. 18, 2021: The rapid development and approval of COVID-19 vaccines less than a year after the pandemic reached the United States has offered hope to end the crisis. But there are still great challenges to effectively and equitably distributing the vaccinations throughout the population. As states roll out...Read More

Blog: 2020 NHIS: State vs National Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage (Infographic)

Feb. 15, 2021: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) recently released a National Health Statistics Report, which presents state-level estimates of health insurance coverage using data from the 2020 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The report provides estimates by subcategories of state...Read More

Blog: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates: State-level and Subpopulation Evidence from the Household Pulse Survey (Update: Jan 20 to Feb 1)

Feb. 11, 2021: Newly available COVID-19 vaccines promise to help protect individual Americans against infection and eventually provide population-level herd immunity. However, while the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations has picked up somewhat in recent weeks, the overall rollout thus far has remained somewhat slow...Read More

Blog: Update to SHADAC’s Minnesota Uninsured Profile Tool Features Customized Legislative District Infographics Aimed at Addressing Disparities

Nov. 12, 2020: Our research team at SHADAC has continued its partnership with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota to complete a new tool that provides critical information on the uninsured populations in Minnesota at the legislative district level. Using the most up-to-date estimates available from...Read More

Blog: New Subsidized Marketplace Data and Other Data Tables Now Available from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS)

Sep. 23, 2020: The U.S. Census Bureau recently released 2019 estimates of income, poverty, and health insurance coverage from both the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) and the American Community Survey (ACS). Along with the new estimates, several new data sets and...Read More
