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State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM)

State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM)

What is the State Reform Survey Item Matrix?

The State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM) builds on activities of the State Reform Survey Workgroup. This group, composed of state analysts from across the country, established metrics for monitoring ACA progress in state surveys.1  Use of the SRSIM may create greater uniformity across state survey instruments, allowing comparisons outside the use of federal or foundation data. 

The SRSIM Excel file has sort and filter functions that allow users to search for questions from existing surveys within a number of essential domains identified by the Workgroup, enables comparison of survey metrics between state and national surveys, and helps inform decisions around metrics to include in future surveys.

What's in the SRSIM?

The SRSIM Excel file contains metrics and question items from:

  • - States participating in the State Reform Survey Workgroup
  • - States that conduct regular household surveys
  • - Over 20 states and one territory
  • - Three federal or foundation surveys that regularly report health insurance and access data:
    • - Current Population Survey (CPS)—commonly relied upon for state level estimates
    • - Commonwealth Fund survey 
    • - National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)—contains reform relevant items identified by the Workgroup 

The SRSIM matrix allows users to sort and

filter by six categories:

  1. Domain
  2. Desired metric
  3. Federal or state survey
  4. Survey source
  5. Exact metric/survey question
  6. Universe


Further details about the SRSIM file can be found in the tabs listed below:

  • Tab 1: Purpose
  • Tab 2: Description
  • Tab 3: How to Use
  • Tab 4: State Reform Survey Item Matrix (main tab)
  • Tab 5: Surveys included
  • Tab 6: Limitations
  • Tab 7: Related Resource
  • Tab 8: Acknowledgments

Related Resource: MESIM

The Marketplace Enrollee Survey Item Matrix (MESIM) compiles question items specifically related to health insurance Marketplace participation under the ACA. Questions are drawn from state, federal and private surveys across the country and can be found here.

Suggested Citation

State Health Access Data Assistance Center. 2013. "State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM)." Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.

12011 report at The SRSIM organizes and expands upon the health reform questions identified in the 2011 report.