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Using Insurer Filings to Monitor the Private Health Insurance Market

Lynn A. Blewett, Principal Investigator
Pinar Karaca-Mandic
Jennifer Ricards, Senior Research Fellow
October 22, 2014

This paper provides states with information on ways in which they can monitor the private health insurance market over time. This information includes key analytic questions of interest; examples and recommendations of state-level analyses of the regulated health insurance market; and a comparison of two data sources states can use for monitoring and reporting purposes. The two data sources that we explore are the data collected by the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) for the purposes of regulating privae health insurers' medical loss ratios (MLRs) and the insurer data collected by the National Association of Insurance Commissioner (NAIC). We consider the differences between these two data sources and identify the key analytic questions that can be best answered by each data source.

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Additional Materials

CCIIO and NAIC Dataset Comparison Output