Event Description
As states are gearing up to collect health coverage and access data in 2015, SHADAC convened a web-assisted conference call to guide this process and generate ideas. Natalie Triedman from the Colorado Health Institute and Rebekah Gould from the Oregon Health Authority shared their experiences selecting new reform-relevant content for the Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) and the Oregon Health Insurance Survey (OHIS), respectively. They were joined by Sharon Long and Michael Karpmann from the Urban Institute, who shared lessons learned from the Health Reform Monitoring Survey (HRMS).
Download the presentation slides.
Pascale, J. "Recommendations for Using Surveys to Measure Health Coverage Post-Reform: Lessons from Massachusetts." SHADAC Brief #42. Minneapolis, MN: State Health Access Data Assistance Center.
State Health Access Data Assistance Center. "State Survey Research Activity." [Web Page]. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
State Health Access Data Assistance Center. 2013. "State Reform Survey Item Matrix (SRSIM)." Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
State Healh Access Data Assistance Center. 2014. "Marketplace Enrollee Survey Item Matrix (MESIM)." Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.