Report for Phase III of the Medicaid Undercount Project (SNACC). In this phase data from the state MSIS files, CPS, 2001 Supplemental Survey (SS01), as well as the MAX and Census Bureau Master Address File (MAF) were used. The Census Bureau worked with CMS to negotiate the acquisition of state MSIS files that enhance the capability of finding matches because they included person names and addresses (in contrast with the national file, which does not include this identifying information). The results of the Phase III analysis were compared to the results from the Phase II analysis to determine if the expected higher match rate (given the additional information for finding matches in Phase III) affects the substantive conclusions of the analysis. Frame coverage was also analyzed to determine if frame differences (i.e., incomplete identification of individuals) affect the substantive conclusions of the analysis. July 2008.
Download a PDF of the Phase III SNACC report.
For more information see SHADAC's web page for the Medicaid Undercount Project.