Journal ofHealth Services Research: Theme Issue--State Health Policy Research
Health Services Research(HSR) has issued a call for papers for a SHARE-sponsored Theme Issue on State Health Policy Research. The Theme Issue will highlight papers examining the implementation and outcome of state efforts to expand health insurance coverage and access to health care services under health reform. Evaluations can have a single- or multi-state focus and can cover such topics as: the impact of Medicaid expansion in improving coverage rates; the effectiveness of outreach and enrollment activities; persistent barriers in access to care; and the implementation and use of health insurance exchanges. The deadline for manuscript submission is October 1, 2013. Click here to view the full call for papers and a list of key dates for authors.
SHARE/State Network Breakfast at the 2013 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
We enjoyed a nice turnout for the annual SHARE and State Network breakfast in Baltimore on June 24th. Thirty-five people were in attendance, including current and former SHARE grantees, state and federal officials, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation staff. As SHARE continues to grow and support an expanding network of health services researchers working in the area of state health policy, it is important to continue to make connections between these researchers and state and federal officials in order to ensure that SHARE-funded projects are timely and relevant to on-the-ground policy activities. Thanks to everyone who attended!
Webinar: Geographic Variation in ACA Coverage Expansion Populations and the Healthcare Workforce
SHARE hosted a webinar on June 14, 2013, featuring Dr. John Graves, Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Graves presented the methods and results from his efforts to model the state- and county-level geographic distributions of the ACA coverage expansion populations and the healthcare workforce in order to identify areas where the size of the insurance expansion population, relative to the supply of healthcare professionals, indicates the potential for access-to-care problems. The webinar recording and slides will be posted to the SHARE website later this summer. Dr. Graves' code for creating small area weights using survey data is availablehere in R code.
Determining Eligibility for Medicaid vs. Exchange-Based ACA Coverage Subsidies: The Challenge of Measuring Income
Dr. John Czajka, Senior Fellow at Mathematica Policy Research, released two new issue briefs based on his SHARE-funded analysis of income eligibility determination for Medicaid and Exchange-based coverage subsidies under the ACA. Thefirst brief examines the practical coverage continuity issues raised by determining Medicaid eligibility on a monthly basis while determining subsidy eligibility on an annual basis. Thesecond briefconsiders the process by which modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)—an annual measure of income specified by the ACA for use in determining both Medicaid and subsidy eligibility—can be converted to a measure of current monthly income for the purpose of Medicaid eligibility determination.
Grantee Spotlight
Amanda Kowalski, PhD
Dr. Kowalski is Principal Investigator on a SHARE-funded project evaluating health reform as carried out in Massachusetts. The project has four main aims: (1) estimate the welfare gain from using a mandate to reduce adverse selection; (2) model the impact of an individual mandate and subsidized health insurance on the labor market; (3) study the way in which health insurance expansions affect financial risk; and (4) model risk preferences and risk types to understand the causes of uninsurance. Dr. Kowalski is Assistant Professor of Economics at Yale University and Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Her research expertise is in health economics, public finance, and econometrics.Learn more.
Hackmann, M.B., Kolstad, J.T., & Kowalski, A.E. May 17, 2013. "Adverse Selection and an Individual Mandate: When Theory Meets Practice." Healthcare Markets Conference 2013, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, May 16-17, 2013.View conference proceedings.
Miller, E.A., Samuel, D., Allen, S., Trivedi, A. & Mor, V. June 23, 2013. "Implications of Rhode Island's Global Consumer Choice Compact Medicaid Waiver for Block Granting Medicaid." 2013 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 23-25, 2013.