This working paper, prepared by SHADAC for the U.S. Census Bureau describes SHADAC's evaluation of experimental health insurance coverage questions for the Current Population Survey’s Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC).
The Census Bureau developed a set of experimental health insurance coverage questions with the goals of improving the measurement of past year coverage and providing a richer set of coverage measures, including point-in-time coverage and duration of coverage measures. The experimental questions were fielded and contrasted with existing CPS and American Community Survey (ACS) questions in a test called the Survey of Insurance and Program Participation (SHIPP)
SHADAC evaluated the initial test that was conducted between March and May of 2010. The Census Bureau made improvements to the question series based on the results of this evaluation and conducted a content test in March 2013. Based on the results of this content test, the Census Bureau will make a final decision about implementing the re-designed question series later this year.