October 1st Webinar - An Annual Conversation with the U.S. Census Bureau: New Coverage Data from the ACS & CPS on the New Site for Census Bureau Data
Date: October 1, 2019
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Central / 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Eastern
New 2018 data on health insurance coverage from the American Community Survey (ACS) show a nationwide increase in uninsurance from 8.7 percent in 2017 to 8.9 percent in 2018. State-level estimates within the ACS indicated uninsurance also grew significantly in eight states while decreasing significantly in just three.
SHADAC hosted a webinar on Tuesday, October 1st, examining the new 2018 health insurance coverage data from both the ACS and the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC), along with additional national and state-level ACS estimates of health insurance by coverage type released on Thursday, September 26th and those yet to be released on Thursday, October 17th.
SHADAC researchers were joined by experts at the U.S. Census Bureau,
which administers both the ACS and the CPS, and attendees learned about:
The new 2018 national and state coverage estimates
When to use which estimates from which survey
How to access the estimates via Census reports and the new site:
How to access state-level estimates from the ACS using SHADAC tables
SHADAC researchers and Census experts also answered questions from attendees after the presentation.
Slides from the webinar, as well as a transcript, are available for download.
Event Resources
2018 ACS: National Uninsurance Increased alongside Eight States; Three States Saw Decreases (SHADAC Blog and Infographic)
2018 ACS: Private Coverage Changes Split Evenly among States, Public Coverage Changes Experience Greater Variability than in 2017 (SHADAC Blog and Infographic)
SHADAC's State Health Compare (Data Dissemination Site)
2017 ACS Tables: State and County Uninsured Rates, with Comparison Year 2016 (SHADAC Resource)
U.S. Census Bureau: Health Insurance (Data Dissemination Site)
U.S. Census Bureau Health Insurance (PDF Report)
U.S. Census Bureau Statistical Testing Tool
U.S. Census Bureau Explore Census Data (Data Dissemination Site)