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Event Description
This webinar explores churn — i.e., movement between different insurance coverage types or uninsurance — under the Affordable Care Act and approaches to measuring and projecting churn at the state level.
SHADAC researcher Colin Planalp discusses how churn has changed since implementation of the ACA, the potential impacts for individuals and states, and approaches to estimating churn. Policy analyst Oliver Droppers, from the Oregon Office for Health Policy and Research, discusses Oregon’s experiences estimating churn and policy strategies to address it.
Specific topics of discussion include:
- Definitions of churn by coverage types and directionality
- A framework for monitoring and projecting churn
- Examples of approaches to estimating churn within different policy situations
Colorado Health Institute. 2014. "The Challenge of Churn: Does Coverage Change over the Course of a Year?" Colorado Health Access Survey Two-Pager. Denver, CO: Colorado Health Institute.
Czajka, J. 2013. "Income Eligibility for Assistance under the ACA: The Question of Monthly vs. Annual Income." SHARE Issue Brief. Minneapolis, MN: SHADAC.
Deprez, R., Buterbaugh, C., & Stabler, H. "'Churning' within Health Insurance Plans: Issues and Policy Solutions." Portland, ME: Center for Community and Public Health, University of New England.
Oregon Medicaid Advisory Committee. 2014. "Addressing Churn: Coverage Dynamics in Oregon's Insurance Affordability Programs." Report from Oregon Medicaid Advisory Committee to the Oregon Health Policy Board. Salem, OR: Oregon Health Authority.
Planalp, C., Fried, B., & Sonier, J. 2014. "ACA Coverage Expansions: Measuring and Monitoring Churn at the State Level." SHADAC Report Commissioned by ASPE. Minneapolis, MN: State Health Access Data Assistance Center.
SHARE. 2015. "Sub-Annual Income Fluctuations and Eligbility for Coverage Assistance under the ACA." SHARE Issue Brief. Minnepolis, MN: SHADAC.
Shore-Sheppard, L. 2014. "Income Dynamics and the Affordable Care Act." Health Services Research, 49(S2): 2041-2061.