The Affordable Care Act provides for the expansion of Medicaid to new segments of the population. The extent to which this coverage expansion will meaningfully increase access to health care services is, however, unclear. Surveys of the Medicaid population are one way to examine access to services and experiences with care.
In 2008, SHADAC was contracted by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to survey enrollees in the Minnesota Health Care Program (which includes the state’s Medicaid program and its Medicaid/CHIP waiver program) with the goal of developing recommendations for improving the delivery of health care services to enrollees and reducing disparities in access and quality.
In a new fact sheet meant to survey as a resource for states as they consider ways to evaluate access to care among new Medicaid enrollees, SHADAC researchers outline the survey’s purpose, content, and administration; the sample design; and the community-based approach used for survey development and analysis.
Accompanying the fact sheet are copies of the adult and child versions of the 2008 questionnaire.
The full report on the 2008 survey is available here.