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Evaluation of the Minnesota Accountable Health Model: First Annual Report

July 14, 2016

The State Innovation Model (SIM) Program is sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and administered by CMS’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). SIM provides funding and support to states to transform their public and private health care payment and service delivery systems with the aims of lowering health system costs, maintaining or improving health care quality, and improving population health.

In 2013, Minnesota received a SIM award to implement and test the Minnesota Accountable Health Model. Between October 2013 and December 2016, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) are implementing the Model across the state of Minnesota.

The State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) is managing the state-level self-evaluation efforts for the Minnesota Accountable Health Model project during 2015 and 2016 under a contract with DHS and in collaboration with both DHS and MDH.  Five goals have been identified for Minnesota's self-evaluation. These goals include:

  1. Document the activities carried out under the Minnesota Accountable Health Model.
  2. Document the variation in design, approaches, and innovation in Minnestoa Accountable Health Model activities and programs.
  3. Identify opportunities for continuous improvement in Minnesota Accountable Heatlh Model activities and programs.
  4. Examine how the Model has contributed to advancing the goals of SIM in Minnesota.
  5. Identify lessons learned for sustaining the Minnesota Accountable Health Model beyond Minnesota's SIM grant.

This report describes the activities conducted during, and the results from, the first year of this two-year evaluation.

Learn more about SHADAC's evaluation of SIM in Minnesota.