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Adolescent Health and Well-Being in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective

Kathleen T. Call, Investigator
October 17, 2008

Call, K. Th., A. A. Riedel, K. Hein, V. McLoyd, A. Petersen, and M. Kipke. 2002. "Adolescent Health and Well-being in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective." Journal of Research on Adolescence 12(1):69-98.

Adolescence is a critical developmental period with long-term implications for the health and well-being of the individual and for society as a whole. The most significant factors to adolescents' health are found in their environments, and in the choices and opportunities for health-enhancing or healthcompromising behaviors that these contexts present (e.g., exposure to violence, supportive families). Inadequate contexts represent a failure to invest in and protect adolescents, a choice to alienate rather than integrate them into society. This article describes a number of societal trends, including growing poverty and income disparities, government instability, the changing health-care system, the spread of HIV/AIDS, increased migration and urbanization, changing family and cultural contexts, and new information technology. The health implications of these trends for the well-being of adolescents in the 21st century are contemplated.