November 05, 2008
November 5, 2008. SHADAC will host a one-day meeting on January 13, 2009 in Washington DC to provide up-to-date information on technical issues related to household surveys and the measurement of health insurance coverage.
Presenters will include:
- Stephen Blumberg NCHS
- Scott Keeter, Pew Research Center
- Mike Brick, Westat
- Lina Balluz, BRFSS
- Eve Powell-Griner, NCHS
- Chuck Nelson, Census Bureau
- Mike Davern, SHADAC
- Kathleen Call, SHADAC
- Plus several state researchers
Topics will include:
- Cell Phone coverage and adjustment
- Medicaid undercount
- Changing Telephony - What is the Current Situation and What are States Doing?
- Federal Sources of State-Level Data
- How the BRFSS is Handling Change
More information and registration
SHADAC will have limited travel funds available for state analysts to attend the meeting.