awarded grant
Principal Investigator: Stan Dorn, JD, Urban Institute
This study will focus on Massachusetts’ use of Uncompensated Care Pool data to auto enroll people into CommCare. The study will use CPS data, encounter data and a supplement to the Massachusetts Health Reform Survey (MHRS) to assess take-up rates, savings to administrative costs and utilization. In addition, the study will be supplemented by qualitative interviews.
Louisiana Breaks New Ground: The Nation's First Use of Automatic Enrollment through Express Lane Eligibility
(August 2012, Issue Brief)
Louisiana Breaks New Ground: The Nation's First Use of Automatic Enrollment through Express Lane Eligibility
(June 2012, Presentation)
Louisiana Breaks New Ground: The Nation's First Use of Automatic Enrollment through Express Lane Eligibility
(April 2012, Report)
Louisiana Does it Again: The First Use of Express Lane Eligibility to Automate Children’s Enrollment and Retention
(June 2011, Presentation)
Innovative Strategies to enroll eligible people into Medicaid and CHIP
(July 2009, Presentation)
The Secrets of Massachusetts' Success: Why 97 Percent of State Residents Have Health Coverage
(November 2009, Issue Brief)
The Secrets of Massachusetts' Success: Why 97 Percent of State Residents Have Health Coverage
(November 2009, Report)