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Who Was Uninsured in 2014? A Sub-State Look (Interactive Map)

November 11, 2015

SHADAC has created a new interactive map that uses recently-released American Community Survey data to examine the characteristics of the uninsured in 2014 at a sub-state level--i.e., by Census Region, or Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA).

By clicking on a given Census Region on the map, users can access detail on the characteristics of the region's uninsured, including income, educational attainment, race, ethnicity, and nativity status. 

Application - Moving Beyond the Low-Hanging Fruit

Health insurance coverage gains related to the Affordable Care Act are well documented. Many have argued, however, that these early gains have been among the "low-hanging fruit" and that those who remain uninsured are the "hard to reach." A recent SHADAC analysis that examined the characteristics of the uninsured in 2013 versus 2014 seems to bear that out: Our analysis shows that compared to the uninsured in 2013, those in 2014 were more concentrated in groups that have consistently been uninsured (e.g. men, Hispanic, non-citizens, those with less education). The tool presented here can be used by folks like enrollment navigators and assisters to target enrollment outreach more precisely to the specific population of remaining uninsured in a given area.