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Who Is Eligible for ACA Assistance in Your County? 2013 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE)

March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015: The US Census Bureau released 2013 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) for all counties and states.

The SAHIE program is the only source of single-year health insurance estimates for every county in the U.S. Estimates are available for each county by sex, age, and Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Race/ethnicity information is available at the state level.

Interactive Maps: County-Level Uninsurance by ACA Eligibility Category

Check out the percent uninsured by county in your state by clicking the image to the right. Toggle between the map tabs to see county-level rates of uninsurance for individuals 

  • At all income levels
  • Between 0 and 138 percent FPL (i.e., likely eligible for Medicaid)
  • Between 139 percent and 400 percent FPL (i.e., likely to qualify for subsidies in the Marketplace)
  • Above 400 percent FPL (i.e., likely ineligible for Marketplace subsidies)




SAHIE are created using statistical models that combine American Community Survey (ACS) data with population estimates and administrative records.

SAHIE are consistent with the direct ACS survey estimates, but SAHIE are more precise than the ACS 1-year and 5-year survey estimates alone for most counties because SAHIE are supplemented with other data sources.

SHADAC Brief #26 provides an overview of how the SAHIE are developed as well as a comparison of the SAHIE model-based methodology to that used by ACS (see Table 2).

Access the Census Bureau's release highlights of 2013