The Community and Uninsured Profile provides rates and counts of Minnesotans at a range of geographic levels. Users can explore characteristics of the total population and the uninsured population in a specific ZIP code while also overlaying in-depth community characteristics. In addition, users can look at rates and characteristics of the community and uninsured within the state as a whole, by region, county, and state legislative district. Users can also filter by MNsure rating areas -- the geographic regions health insurers use to set premiums on MNsure.
This resource was originally developed as part of “Minnesota’s Uninsured and the Communities in Which They Live,” a project funded by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Minnesota that supports targeted outreach and enrollment activities of health insurance navigators and provides information about the uninsured to Minnesota policymakers as they develop strategies to reach the remaining uninsured in Minnesota.
To download the Profile, access additional information, or request the development of a similar tool for another state, visit the Minnesota Community and Uninsured Profile Resource page.