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Upcoming SHARE Webinar: Using Income Tax Information to Target Medicaid and CHIP Outreach

January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010:  We invite you to join SHARE as we host a webinar featuring SHARE grantee David Idala, Director of Medicaid Policy Studies at The Hilltop Institute at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.  David will discuss the use of income tax information to target Medicaid and CHIP outreach in Maryland, examining the benefits and drawbacks of this strategy as well as mechanisms for maximizing its effectiveness.  David's presentation will be followed by a discussion of Iowa's experience with this strategy in targeting outreach for its CHIP coverage.  Ample time will be provided for participants to ask questions.

The webinar will be held on February 24, from 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. EST.  The event is open to the public, but registration is required. 

Click here to register for the webinar.

For background information on David's presentation, link to his recent issue brief about tax-based outreach in Maryland.